Saturday, June 5, 2010


What if things were just like the story books?

You know those fairy tales that always end well with everything charming...

Where after all that happens everything just works out and falls into place.

Well, it kind of is all like that, just in terms of reality. Terms in which we can't easily fast forward to the last page or ask a gypsy to tell us what we want.

The point of many things is to wait and see,

Just enjoy and learn as it all plays out.

For some reason, things are supposed to happen the way they do.

So we can appreciate and actually see.

If there were a time machine to go back and undo all those mistakes, what good would it do? Would we ever really learn from what could have been?

Perhaps not.

It's the big picture that needs to be seen.

On the screen that is our life and has it all accordingly to His plan.

It's the way it should be.

A fairy tale...


1 comment:

  1. Mistakes are there to be made, you wouldn't be who you are today without them...

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