Tuesday, February 19, 2019


It’s not that she didn’t like it
She very much enjoyed following the different stories
The one’s that showed fabulous fashion & jewelry 
The one’s that showed videos of of pets and their happy stories 
With their adoptive parents 

It’s just that she didn’t like what it was becoming 
What it became 
How people became 
All of a sudden obsessed with becoming an insta celebrity 
It was all about the followers and not about the content 

Somehow a person’s validity was now determined by the amount 
Of followers they had 
Regardless of knowledge or talent 
And then it made her sad 
Because so many amazing people were being overlooked 
Due to the fact that there wasn’t a K or an M after their amount of followers

She didn’t understand 
The current generation had lost out on so many things 
Granted, she very much enjoyed being able to track down 
Her Ipsy bag and know the exact date of it’s arrival 

But she also enjoyed being surprised the same way that 
Her 9 year old self would be surprised upon opening the mailbox
And finding her monthly subscription to The Baby-Sitters Club 
Because that Ann M. Martin made her feel like she too was Claudia 

She very much enjoys receiving a quick reply from someone 
Halfway around the world that’s in a different time zone
But she also enjoyed receiving letters from her penpal the way she did 
When she was in school 

It’s as if the world is losing human contact 
People can no longer talk to each other face to face 
Everything has to be done via a brightly lit screen in which 
some may misspell words and somehow others understand 

She appreciates being able to meet up and talk over snacks
And read under a lamp 
But kids now a days will never understand what it was like 
To have to read under a night light because the book was too good 
Put down 
Now all they have to do is bring out their phone and keep messaging 
Instead of going to sleep 

She feels that the commodity of technology has turned us into a somewhat 
Lazy bunch that prefers to ask Siri or Alexa for the answers instead of actually flipping 
The pages to the back of the book… 

It’s fine & dandy and great to enjoy certain things
But others are just lost in time 
And they’re important things like values and appreciation, 
Love & a certain zeal because nothing will ever compare to finding out that 
Your song is number one because it made it on MTV’s hottest videos 
Sorry YouTube, it’s just not the same 
Reading the article you wrote on a handheld magazine that gets delivered 
will always hold a certain pizazz because of the wait and excitement 
That cannot be delivered instantly 

It’s just not the same


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