Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The retrovisor is like my portable post card

It fits what I need to see

A set of clouds so fluffy they're like candy

Where the long branches reach out fanning some green

The clouds move and the sun shines through

Making it the best to ever see

I can hold it in my hand to touch the cottony clouds

And the picture dances

To the wind of my dreams

Google Images›


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's nice to be a student again

To see those familiar faces

Some are big fans, others are the celebrities

and the quiet ones, they're the friends

secretly enjoying knowing who they know

The teachers, they sit back watching their little seeds


We listen

We learn

We see it all as it turns

And things, they aren't always the same

yet they never change

We face it all with an embrace

firm and sweet, just as we meet

Face it, life's great

when your a student
