Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Doth I ask

I have erred many times

Sometimes sin pensar, aveces con hablar

and time again, it happens

So I ask you, look not at my faults,

but at me and who I am today

A person trying to conquer her flaws

A person trying to look beyond that of others

Our mistakes do not determine who we are,

but sometimes they influence who we come to be


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hearty for laughs

There is comedy in humor,

as there are many a ways of relief

Good humor, that which contains widening eyes

at the feats of spoon & dish

running away together

Or even a nice little hen

gathering ingredients of her own

to prepare homemade loaves

It is all in how you see things

With a twinkle in your eye

and a gleam here and there

it is all beautiful


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mr. Hayward

Tony Hayward

I do not like it at all how Capitol Hill is getting all nitty gritty with you.

It is very upsetting to see the way that these representatives are so quick to point and just keep on adding.

We know that the BP oil spill is an awful accident, but I admire you in your courage for taking ownership of what has happened. Like a good chap you have stated the truth that BP is responsible the incident, but enough with this already. I am pretty sure that this is not something that you wanted and while watching the grand jury this morning, it's as if the reps wanted to solely say that it was all you you you you!!!!

Tony Hayward along with the rest of BP are looking for ways into which solve such a problem and are more than willing to clean up.

BP has employed many as you said earlier today (June 17, 2010) and worked hard to be where it is.

So why concentrate on something that we already know by yuckily over emphasizing what we already know.

It was an accident, we know––now it's time for clean up. Capitol Hill we get the point.

Mr. Hayward by taking such ownership, you show much character.

I support you for being who you are.

Enough with naming it, let's start fixing it.


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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Every time we look at something, we do so with different eyes

At once we may look to surpass

Later we will stop for more than a second to glance

Then we actually see what it is that makes it what it is

We are able to read between those lines that make it so funny and great

Al vistaso some may say it's not for them

Pero como van a saber if they don't look

It's just de repente and they go

But it's good to really see

So that you may understand why it's so funny

So that you may see what you can learn from it

So that you may fall in love too

¿Entonces qué más que un vistaso?



Saturday, June 5, 2010


What if things were just like the story books?

You know those fairy tales that always end well with everything charming...

Where after all that happens everything just works out and falls into place.

Well, it kind of is all like that, just in terms of reality. Terms in which we can't easily fast forward to the last page or ask a gypsy to tell us what we want.

The point of many things is to wait and see,

Just enjoy and learn as it all plays out.

For some reason, things are supposed to happen the way they do.

So we can appreciate and actually see.

If there were a time machine to go back and undo all those mistakes, what good would it do? Would we ever really learn from what could have been?

Perhaps not.

It's the big picture that needs to be seen.

On the screen that is our life and has it all accordingly to His plan.

It's the way it should be.

A fairy tale...
