Friday, October 4, 2019

What could she do???

He told her that he loved her 
It could have been the 2nd or the 3rd time that she heard it from him 
She didn’t say anything 
All she did was smile 
What could she say?
I love you too!

No she couldn’t say it
Because with him the lines were blurred
He was different and she was still exploring 
Learning about him and all that he was 
He wasn’t like the other people that came into her life 
With the purpose of simply being friends and offering some good laughs

He was there hoping to be more and she wasn’t sure of what to do
They worked together and things were still building for her 
She didn’t know if it was safe to let her guard down 
But each time she stared into his eyes, she saw something 
Something that she hadn’t seen in a long time 
It was a look deeper than the one Kevin got when he looked at Winnie 
After telling her “I like you, like you” 

But she was scared 
She was afraid that their intimacy wouldn’t be theirs 
But something that belonged to the world 
She was afraid that the secrets that she kept for so long 
Would escape him and find their way to someone else 

She didn’t know what to do 
She was afraid of taking the risk…
She was afraid of holding his hand to later fall into a lettuce batch 
The way Samantha did when Smith held her hand 
But if she fell, would he be there to help her get back up?
She didn’t know…
