Wednesday, January 7, 2015

She did...

She did it! 
She closed her eyes and went for it
She told him about that feeling 
The one she gets when he looks at her 
That everything is ok because he's there to hold her hand

She told him how easy it is for her to get lost in his eyes 
And how much she loves the splendor of his speech 
The touch of his lips on her cheek 
A soft brush that only he can do 
The grip of his hands as he holds her close

And in turn he said not a word 
And she was lost 
In a world wind of questions 
'what did I do?'
'was it something I said?'
'perhaps I shouldn't have…'

But she did 
And she would do it again 
Because she tried 
To the depths of her self, she tried
She made that effort to let him know                                         
All the beautiful things he sowed with her                                                        image

Many the more illusions 
Of a love finally found 
Unmistakable smiles 
As they kissed under a thousand skies 
All the which she would do all again 

Because she loves him 
Because he will always be her present 
Because he will always exist in her moments 
