Friday, September 25, 2009


The frequencies of love can always be caught, but never understood.
Think about it, it's a whirlwind that takes us all but can never be seen.
When in love, you think that it's sweet and the best feeling of all–yet you can't describe it. You can't exactly pin-point if its as good as letting that chocolate melt in your mouth with your eyes closed and your taste buds relishing, or as good as feeling the sun beat down on your face on a day that the breeze felt is a little chilly.
There are other times when it's like sipping something cool that feels just about awesome after beads of sweat have appeared on your forehead and dare I say it, yes ladies–that invisible mustache on your upper lip!
It's weird because you can feel like you can't be with out it and you feel it in all sorts of ways and towards all many different things. You can be in love with yourself because you're having a "cute day" and don't care at all about the frizziness of your best friend, or the fact that you got sugar for your coffee, but nothing to stir it with. It's just a day that's for you and you feel great.
The sweet kind of love in which cake is total bliss and just the simple batter is enough to make your toes curl, but you can love it so much that you have just had enough and can't stand to see it again. Too much cake, too much love.
But then there is that kind of which you try to deny very much to yourself, but is apparently obvious to everyone else. There is a special someone who gives you the eye but you don't realize it. It's taken on your behalf as a simple gesture between friends, but the pictures don't lie and with so much closeness there must be something going on. Yet when you think about it and giving sweet ♥s
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Monday, September 21, 2009

Retail Joy

There is joy in retail. Ha ha ha, well that is funny. Is there really? 

I mean, I guess it is fun. It really does have it's moments in which you are glad to be part of a sales team. For example, when you get your discount and get to use coupons on top of that–it makes you feel good when you shop.  

Then again, there are those days when you're trying to make your numbers and some people just aren't being too helpful. It is your duty to talk to the customers and make sure that you offer them the best things out there but sometimes they just refuse. You approach them to make a good offer and hear "sorry, but I'm in a rush…I don't have time right now"–um ok, but then what are you doing wasting your time here & walking extremely slow like your contemplating what to do next? That's my question. 

One day I had this lady that tell me she had to be somewhere and was already late. Well what does that have to do with me? She's the one that waited to the last minute and made a stop to shop. 

Oh, and I love it when I'm told "I'm just browsing" (because I do that too) but then someone told me "I don't have any money", then what are you doing shopping? Take yourself someplace where the sales people are not going to harass you is all I'm saying. 

Luego you have one customer that is so very kind and gives you a moment of their time to receive all those awesome sales…and wonders how come no other person told them about them before, well I think it's because of previous experiences of being ignored. Customers just keep on walking and shake their heads "no" or pretend that they cannot hear the associate speaking to them. 

(If your laughing it's because you know this is true and have done this also.)

Just be nice when you shop, because when you're done you get to go home but the sales associate has to stay there with other people who don't want to be there and perhaps get ignored by oh so many customers who don't want them to do their job and then get mad when they don't. 

It really isn't easy, but someone has to do it.

Shop wise & be kind. 


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

De Calle

De calle yo me fui for the Dominican festival. A hot day of 78º plus which made it great for showing a little leg ;-) just because I hear that some martians like that lol So the logical wear for such a thing would be something casual like shorts with your elaborate Dominican t-shirt or even tank top with an airbrushed flag. But I must say, that apparently the new thing is for young people to dress cutesy for the day regardless of the event–at least the ladies. It was all flats and tights with oversized bags and some pretty shirt at an event where should be comfortably cute (not cutely uncomfortable). I mean really ladies, this is not a day at the mall with your girlfriends in which you would scope out some dude. 

Oh and it seems like all girls called each other, making it clear that the in thing is to have the top half of your hair blonde and the rest brown enchumbao with gel & mousse to make it so crispy that you could hear the effects of "snap, crackle, pop".

Of course, this is the apparent fad for today's teens because everyone there was in high school or at least appeared to be in that part of the park where the awesome DJ held his stage. 

It was all about boys with braces and girls looking cute. 

The other "fun" stage was for the parents of these high schoolers who brought their children to mingle with others of their own age as they would laugh at the unfunny jokes made by those locutores who talk way too much. 

So where does that leave the college students? Where were they supposed to mingle and peek at the occasional and hopeful bit of eye candy? The answer to that would have to be "in the middle" where there was an array of unattended motorcycles whose owners just walked around, helmet in hand looking cool...Mostly martians of course although there was one particular case of a girl in a  vespa, pink at that– which may have been looking for a riding buddy. 

But yes, it was an event designed for local teenagers whose overactive hormones encouraged them to carryout PDA (public displays of affection) oh how exciting!

While we who are soo over that stage think "omg, was that me?"


You gotta love it


Friday, September 11, 2009

Is it a Routine to Dream?

In life, there are things we want to do and there are things that we must do. Such as daydreaming of a life and things that we want to have while at work or even at a traffic light. They are just random things that flutter in our heads such as the desire to one day bungee jump and conquer a fear or in some different cases to kiss a complete stranger with out thinking about it and just going for the moment. 

There are goals that we have for ourselves but sometime never set and just dream about achieving. Yet what is really the point of thinking when you aren't even going to do? Is it to just process and analyze? Do we have these thoughts in bubbles set up in a pinball machine in our minds to which we play a game to everyday deciding which risk to take, always choosing the less "dangerous" one? Perhaps...

But if we were to set up goals for ourselves everyday, things would be more fun and routines would be less predictable. It really isn't all that hard. We have more than enough time during the day that we spend idly doing nothing, just daydreaming

What if I set a goal for myself everyday? One of different things to do and some sort of consequence to perhaps induce myself to do it even more. Something or things that would be good for me and fun like taking up a hobby that's new or even actually completing things that are not. 

I think that it happens often to more people (not just me) that start something that they may want to do and then after a few short moments & tries it's over and back to the routine. To the routine of beginning things that will not be finished but only half done and never thought out. 

When we daydream, it's all the way–something continuous that we like to pick up. When we work, we just pile on more, something continuous that we don't want to finish.

What goals should I set for me? Something different to do everyday. A project that will keep me learning and let me reveal different things to myself.

How about that to live? To live and not just do things to get by, like eating just to eat in the mechanical form of chewing, but to actually savor that which I do and enjoying

Should it be a reto that I should set up for myself? What suggestions do you have that I do? 

It could be things that may be added to a routine, but a little bit more enriching to help me learn. Learn of new things that are and may be. 

Merrily merrily, is life really a dream?


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Have it your way?

Someone gets upset with me out of the blue because I am expected to help out and fork over the money. No prob I can put it down, but then when I offer, it's' denied as if it were a ridiculous offer. Then why bring it up even?

I understand that graduation was months ago, but that doesn't mean that I haven't done anything. I have made up my mind about something and would like to do it. There is a job that I am holding up to right now that I have no problem with. 

Sure going to an agency may sound key (to you), but it's not what I want. It's not a real job, but a real reel in which I would and can be thrown off into all these directions. Unstable directions that may cause me to loose myself a little which is not what I want. It isn't stable, but more yo-yo like as it is something that fluctuates from one day to another and requires a person to be very limber. 

Listen, I don't feel like bringing my legs up to my ears, while my hands hold my knees so that I can type with my toes. (I have seen that e-mail about that girl that does that in some office while wearing one of those black & something, tights dance costumes

What I have is as good as any and I am not complaining. Granted I can be out and about somewhere else right now, but I'm not and I don't mind. So then why do you?

I can tell you tidbits of my plan right now, it's my plan that I know and understand–and also am still working on ;-> Just relax and take what you need and let everything go to the breeze.

Go catch them Zzzz


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Flow after-school

When we go to school, we do it with the hopes that someday soon we will get ourselves a fascinating job that will pay us money we never had. Something that requires us to dress like it's important and way more than "just a day at the office".

We go through ups and downs, many being downs during our collegiate years in which we think about our lack of money and how come we don't have any. It is because of the fact that what my cousin once told me is still very true "these are the poorest years of you life"no lol. And of course they are, how could they not be when your a student full time struggling through 5 classes (6 if you're a trooper) while making sure that you have money to buy those energy boosters to keep you going when you have that paper due in 7 hours, plus there is a party every Thursday. It's ALWAYS college night on Thursday!

Oh and on top of that, you must be able to buy that over priced hoodie from the school bookstore to show that you have school spirit and save on a few outfits by just leaving it on in class so that no one will see that you really aren't wearing the latest fashions (or that you haven't done laundry in a week–maybe two).

But yes, those are the woes of a student. A student who is full of hope that one day all of the above will pay off, just like those meal plans that must be included when you dorm. 

Then the day comes when your so excited to graduate and splurge on a dress and even a keg because your friends are coming over, and its YOUR COLLEGE GRADUATION!!! A few weeks pass by and you start to look for work because your low on cash and your parents are already nagging you about it if they aren't telling their friends that your going to get "this job making this money…" It's normal and it happens. Part of life, regardless of the fact that you are a little clueless on what it is that you really want to do and who you are as a person. This is where that "finding yourself" business kicks in and you realize that they weren't physically lost or disoriented from where they were standing, just a little bit unsure of their life. 

Well, now is that time and on top of that, those six months are passing from whence you graduated and Sallie Mae is at your door with an 8% interest rate that just keeps going like the energizer bunny when you can't even write a check that fast. This also has to do with you NOT having the money right now either, but its ok because you can get a deferment to pay it off in 8 years like if it were a house for more than double of what it was originally. 

But I guess, that's what happens when you don't have the cash flow to work with it, a cash flow that you expected to have after studying so hard and waiting those 4-5 years to receive those black calligraphed letters with your name and the word diploma just a few lines away. 

Sigh…the dreams of the student and the work of the graduate. 

I guess that saving during high-school would have been an excellent idea, only that we began at fourteen and didn't really think such a thing would be needed. 

Well, work's knocking someone's door and they must be excited. 

Can you hear it? 
