Thursday, October 29, 2009

No es para tanto

Relax, I know you do love me

I know you don't understand me

I have my reasons for what I do

I have my reasons for what I say

Sometimes you should ask

Sometimes you should think 

It's just the way it is

A fachada to you

A mask to me

Yo me entiendo & wish you would too

Pero no somos magos 

Perhaps one day you will know

It's just the way I am 

Relax because I love you 


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Desde Aqui

From my window out here there can be much to see

First are the vines that creep and crawl  around 

Then is abuela's garden with a few stray flowers

Some are pink and very bright at that 

They stand out amongst so much dirt and give the garden a song

If there is some breeze they will dance but that they usually save for the night

After that is the street

Wide one both sides separated in between 

With bricks that have been painted red surrounding a bed for the trees 

The tops of the beds are school bus yellow and serve as the tag bases for the neighbors playing tag

The merengue blasts and the whole barrio hears it

From whose house Rosita? or Maybe it's the boys

Whoever it is it doesn't seem to matter because those girls haciendo oficios sweep just fine to the words of Raulin's Nereeeydaaaa…

With no shoes they walk around making sure they won't miss a spot

They scrub hard and good too keep the house looking spotless

Rene swings by on his bike with the yani's singing his song that is almost a rap

con queso, de pollo, con carne también it's sheer brilliance what he does taking those tunes for food

The girls stop their work and hand him their coins of 5 pesos each

They munch and chew and close their eyes

Letting the afternoon sun catch their faces 

Now their thirsty after all that harina 

Leticia gets up and skips to the colmado asking Felix por un redrock

The cups were ready and soon get filled

With that raspberry fizzing that chills and yet tickles

ah how sweet it is 

Sweet indeed is the view from my window


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In this chapel we were friends 

we heard our thoughts go around silently 

we made each other laugh 

with my voice the opera was home

with your voice the giggles were here

our eyes twinkled and we knew it was funny 

our thoughts were the same 

we held hands and prayed

you were my friend and I am still yours

I miss you sometimes 

I miss you today 

my bestfriend from one day 

from one day to a life time our lives became intertwined 

your mother

she knew mine 

before I knew you 

My mother

she knew you 

before you were you 

what happened?

will we ever go back?

to sit in those pews where we prayed for our sins 

where a pecado wasn't fish 

and a song is still glory 

where my friend was you 

so many a retreat and you made it far

you got closer to Him 

you got closer to them (your OLR & MLR friends)

M. did say OLR MLR I care who you are


for jokes that we only know 

in these halls 

in these halls we spent our years

from babies to ladies

our feet sped on the way to Spanish

buenos días señoritas said Mrs. S

buenos días señora 

presente señora

do you even remember the «Amigo» song and how after too many «ma-ma-mas» I just hit my head

it was kind of funny

you laughed

I laughed

now I go back to these halls and think not of an infraction but of how we have changed

what if it were all the same 

what if we were still the same?

sometimes wondering


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

La menta por si acaso

O M to the G! Que cosa me paso a mi 

estaba en camino allí cuando me atacaron los nervios

yo sin comer (desayunarme no podía–entienda que es una travesía)

sentía que me derretía & I would pop those mentas una tras la otra

era lo único seguro que tenía

para por si acaso me las lleve to stay all day fresh 

me comí una en el carro & después cuando salía de el 

la siguiente me la comí en el edificio mientras esperaba & las próximas seguían entrando cada par de minutos por ansiedad y por hambre

ya no podía, con tantas mentas pensaba que iba ver verde ya que el sabor era ese de spearmint pintado un " minty green"

ya no creo que las vuelva a ver 

antes de salir me tocara llevarme algo de apretar 

como esas cosas de masilla para el estrés

si se me pega el hambre, mira a mis manos y buscar un chicle

de todos modos le aseguro que que el aliento será fresh!     


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Individual Me

I am me
I am myself
different from thee, different from she
Comparisons will do no good
I am still me
Unchanging unless I too prefer
Unyielding unless I am ready to go

You don't have to love it
You don't have to understand it
You don't have to love me
Just accept Me
