Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Tantos sentimientos encontrados 
Primero por él 
Porque siempre pensaba en el 
En su amor 
En su olor 
En el calor que emite su cuerpo cada vez que se abrazan 

Pero no se conocen, por lo menos no del todo 
Tan solo de saludos largos con abrazos que no quieren que se acaben 
Pero igual hay algo 
Algo que ella siente cuando lo ve
Algo que la atrae 
Que la mantiene ahi 
Pensando en el…

No es para nada cursi
Mas bien es extraño 
Cada vez que se acerca, ella lo siente 
Sin que nadie le diga nada 
Ella lo sabe 

Y se pregunta ‘y él? que siente por mí?
Será que él también la siente?
Sin necesidad de mensajes, sin necesidad de llamadas?
Será que él también anticipa su llegada?

No se sabe 
Con el tiempo se han alejado 
Pero solo en cuerpo 
Porque ella no lo puede evitar 
Cada vez que intenta evadir sus recuerdos 
Aparecen y la atrapan como si fuera una tela de araña 
Suave, dócil pero fuerte 

Entonces ella se pierde 
En sus pensamientos sin saber que será 
Sin saber que hacer 
Si dar un paso con otro sin poderlo olvidar 
Esperando y pensando que tal vez mas adelante

El destino los vuelva encontrar….

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Game of Thrones

Through out its run on HBO, I never took the time to watch an episode of the epic show Game of Thrones. The one show that made so many headlines and people said it was the absolute best. So I took my time and actually watched all 73 episodes after the last episode of the series aired. I heard so many things about the ending that was supposed to be the worst and even came across a petition asking to rewrite the last season.
This petition has more signatures than I could have imagined. If so many people put as much effort into this rewrite towards education and recycling, things may be a little better around the world-but that is a story for another day...
So I saw this show and although it was great and the effects, costumes, actors...everything was good I think we are all entitled to say what we feel about it. It was very well put together and a definite favorite among many at least until 'the end' that so many people complained about.
Yet I cannot understand what all this fuss is about. People are mad that a fictional character with a bad temper and low tolerance to different opinions aside from her's what killed off on a show and saying that the writers are bad. Um hello? Watching the series you learn that as in life, not everything will go as we planned and as in life, you also know that it's not right to have an egotistical person in power.
As soon as I saw the Tarly's get burned alive for refusing to bend the knee my grand affection for Daenerys changed a little because that was just brutal. The woman went off to burn innocent people and do away with an entire city and people are complaining about this?
OMG what is wrong with the world? The writers did an excellent job and putting the seasons together from beginning to end and it's just pretty sucky to know that people are complaining about this the way they are.
On behalf of 'people' I apologize to the amazing writers that did not let the dragon lady keep burning people at a whim. Jon Snow was able to return to the north and the night king was defeated. What more could viewers ask for after all that happened?
Cersei was gone at least so she couldn't control people in her favor either. These 2 women were fighting each other and yet were similar, gnawing for the throne so that they could say what goes.
At least Bran will know to show mercy when needed.
So thank you again for the amazing work and to the people with their panties in a bunch, thank goodness that they are not ruling anyone–or so I hope...

Monday, July 8, 2019

Don't kiss me

When they said goodbye
He didn’t try to kiss her 
He didn’t try to move his face closer to her’s when he leaned in 
He didn’t try to aim, go in and kiss 

He simply looked her in the eyes and said ‘we should do this again sometime’ 
And she couldn’t agree more 
She had such a nice time 
The conversation was good and she liked what he had to say 
She enjoyed hearing him go on about how the body is a temple 
She enjoyed hearing him talk about how he loves being able 
To give people the gift of a beautiful memory etched on forever on their skin 

He was just different 
He was open and thoughtful 
He didn’t care to hide anything 
He just expressed what he felt 

And she was able to be herself 
Her childish, wild extra self and he didn’t mind 
He accepted her as she was 
He must have seen something in her that many missed 

And she liked that 
She like that a lot…


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Non Date

I don’t know if it was a date
Because, what dictates if something is a date?
Why can’t it just be called an outing with a friend 
Perhaps during the first outing we just flirt and hope to say sweet nothings 
But no, not on the first rendezvous 
Something must be left for the next time…

And so on this first not date we sat down and talked 
About so many things I was surprised and pleasantly taken aback 
It was the first time in a long time that the conversation was so good 
In the sense that it was clear 
We talked about life, religion and health 
No romance at all
And it was nice 

It was nice to simply talk without trying to flirt 
It was nice to have an intelligent conversation 
Without someone trying to lay a hand on my thigh 

And when we said goodbye 
There was no kiss on the lips 
It was simple and open 
An I hope to see you soon because this was nice 
Because this was fun

I liked it so much that if it doesn’t happen again 
I wouldn’t be able to despair 
Because for the first time in a long time, I’m not left wondering 
I’m not left out to think about the what if’s 
I simply think about what happened and how nice it was

Accepting the present and enjoying the moment 
And I have him to thank for that…


Saturday, July 6, 2019


A slave to my mother 
She carried me for months regardless if she was ready to or not 
And when I was ready, I made my way, not thinking of the pain she was feeling in the process 
Rather selfish now that I think of it, but it was all I knew 
Myself within her, breathing through her, communicating through her 
Everything through her 

It became her duty to teach me everything she wanted me to know 
It became her duty to mold me into the person she wanted to be 
But somewhere along, she lost her way 
She lost sight of what was best 
She lost sight of what was needed 

Having knowledge of what she did, she made a conscious effort to set it all aside 
Things were going to change 
Things were going to be different 
She would not be like the others 
And neither would I 

She constantly made note that all she did was for me 
To become independent and stand on my own 
To make my way in the world without the need of her as my crutch 

But it was not so 
She was too hurtful, she caused too much pain 
All that she knew was falsely intertwined 
It was a love to pretend 
A love of the self and for the self 
But not of health 

The teachings meant to be good and full 
Were in reality frayed like the edges of fabric 
Stemming from the same place and opening up in a direction that leads nowhere 
If pulled it would for sure break down the home from which it came 
But to go out all alone would be suicide 
Throwing a snip of thread to get lost in nothingness 

Similar to what she taught me 
That I had to go go go but whenever I tried tried tried 
She would pull me back and tear some more telling asking if I saw what I was doing to her 
Breaking her down repeatedly with my bad behavior 

It had all become a tug of war 
One in which each tug in which ever direction was enough to throw everything in a frenzy 
As I learned more and more I realized that all of which she wanted, was not for me, but perhaps for her 
She was quite conscious of what made her feel 
Losing all notion of anyone else 
Losing sight of what was right and what may be intelligent 

Her grace was enough to teach you a little but not enough so that you would always have to go back 
But if you happened to ask, well then you would never know 
Why should she teach you? Why would she tell you anything?
At any given point in time you should know what she didn’t tell you 
At any given point in time, you would move forward and then have to pull back 15 steps 
Because you didn’t know where you were going 

It gave her glee to know she was pulling the strings and she would hold me back 
With confusing kindness to shield me away from all that would hurt 
To ensure that I would stay 
To ensure that I would lose sight of any necessary tool to go away 
To make sure that I knew nothing beyond what she taught me 

And only seek what she could show me

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Personal Space

It never occurred to her to simply ask someone ‘hey can I drive’
Because it just wasn’t her place 
She was one that understood and liked boundaries 
The thought of personal space gave her the feels 
Respectable distances a thing that she very much enjoyed 

And somehow, there were so many people out there who had no understanding of this 
People that felt completely comfortable going attempting to take her keys 
With the intention of driving her car 
She saw it as a sort of insult to her capacity and complete violation of her space 
This is something that is hers 

How can someone just feel like ‘yea I’m going to completely disregard you and make this mine’
How can someone think this is ok to do to someone else 
When they would clearly make it very evident that if the roles were reversed
The would make sure it would not happen 

Consideration for others has been lost 
It’s the bad kind of selfishness in which a person cares not to learn and observe 
How others may be affected by what they do 
It has become the ‘Time of Me’
And she wasn’t going to sit around for it 

Understanding that she would stand alone 
She already began making her way in solitude…


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Just 2

There they were, 2 girls in a coffee shop 
Trying to figure out their lives while drinking a coffee and a hot chocolate 
With 2 half eaten muffins on plastic plates 
Could it be more cliché?

But they talked about everything and nothing at the same time 
Such as how sometimes it’s best to be alone 
If those around you aren’t on the same wavelength 
Well it just means you have to keep on swimming 

They also talked about vibrators and soap when she gifted her friend a 
Portable charger with an Ayurvedic soap 
It was small, pink and pretty 
So the inevitable hiccup giggles came out 
A little soap for the prés a V hahaha 

It was about the jokes that made light of those life experiences 
That could sometimes be too much to handle 
Like the fact that after so much time she still didn’t know where she stood 
She wasn’t sure where she was going 
She wasn’t as lost as she was freshman year of college in a brand new campus 
Because this time she knew what she didn’t want 
But she still had a long way to go to find her way 

The home situation wasn’t that great either 
Not because she was misunderstood, but because no one tried to understand 
To speak her language was an ineffable thought 
Why would anyone dare to make an effort to know something that didn’t involve them?
We only live in a world with billions of people 
To learn more about them to be able to communicate better?
Well now, who does that?

No one at home
No one at home cared to see beyond their 2 hands 
Beyond their world and their cloud 
And that was the problem 
She would never be able to go forward when those around her 
Would constantly work to pull her back…

It was time

To let go without turning back 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

No me olvides...

No me olvides 
Porque tu amor es del mas lindo que he conocido
Lo que siempre he pedido y lo que no 
Lo que nunca pensé que me hacía falta y lo que sí 

No me olvides 
Porque a ti te tengo constantemente presente 
En las canciones que escucho 
En los cuentos que leo 
Y los super heroes que veo 

No me olvides 
Porque mis lagrimas mas sentidas son las tuyas
Al recordar esos momentos hermosas 
Donde las palabras no hacían falta y los sentimientos sobraban 

No me olvides 
Porque en tu mirada he encontrado un mar de maravillas 
En las que puedo nadar cada día cuando cierro mis ojos y te veo a ti 

No me olvides 
Porque cada mañana te doy los buenos días 
Dando te la bendición mas sincera 
Y en la noches tus abrazos me llenan de calor 

No me olvides 
Porque tu siempre vivirás en mi 
En mi silencio 
En mis aullidos 
En mis susurros 

En mi vida…

Monday, July 1, 2019


Cómo sería posible que de todos sus encuentros, él haya borrado todos los recuerdos de ella?
Es decir, cada detalle de sus momentos vividos 
Por mas bueno o malo que fuera 
De cada uno se aprendió algo 

Se aprendió a no temer y darlo todo
Se aprendió a no buscar el momento perfecto 
Entendió que no hay momento como el presente 
Que los impulsos muchas veces valen la pena 

Que la sinceridad si vale 
Y que los momentos ‘interesantes’ son mas de lo que parecen 
Que el amor tan solo nace 
Que el amor en verdad se siente 
Que el amor para todos es diferente 

Pero que para ellos ha sido el mejor 
Sus encuentros ’sorpresas’ 
La connexion inevitable 
Como si en ves de dos tan solo fueran uno 
Sin necesidad de hablar porque ya se entendían del todo 
Que su silencio decía mas que palabras 

Como olvidarlo todo?
Si de eso aun viven
Si sus lagrimas felices y las tristes llevan el nombre de cada uno 
Si cada vez que se han sentido falta de aire, es porque están lejos 

Cómo seguir pensando que nunca pasó?


Pues haber que cuando ella salió de la casa se sentía mas o menos chula 
Pues tenía los labios rojos y los rizos se estaban comportando
Y su ropa no estaba nada mal así que¿qué mas se podía pedir?

Que alguien le dijera que el aire de lluvia le cambió por completo su look del día 
El pelo se le estaba encogiendo como los brillos nuevos de caja 
Todo una bola redonda hasta que se empiezan a usar y pierden hilos y figura 

Que si alguien le hubiera hecho el favor de decirle 
“A ver guapa se te ha desgastado el pinta labios y ahora pareces que estuviste en una pelea y no de besos”

Es que casi se cae de espanto al mirarse en el espejo sin esperar verse en esa facha 
Que ni la cenicienta después de una noche mágica había lucida así 

Gracias a Dios que no le para bolas a muchas cosas 
De lo contrario no volvería salir a la calle por un tiempo por la vergüenza 

Es que hasta para caminar a los cachorros trata de salir lo mas decente posible 
Qué tal que se encuentre con el chico que la esta evadiendo?
Pues por lo menos que la vea algo guapa y piense ‘pero a donde va y sin mi’
Tal vez no piense ni diga eso, pero de que se puede soñar, se puede 

La verdad es que cuando ve algo que tiene arreglo se lo comenta a la persona 
Pero a estas alturas puede que tenga la cara llena de chocolate con un rimell que se le corre 
Demasiado rubor y nuevamente el labial a medias y nadie le dice nada 
Pa la próxima será andar con un letrero que diga 
Si no estoy de ultimas-por favor decidme…
