Tuesday, August 31, 2010


There aren't any words to console a loss
However a hug & a kiss
are always enough
when something is a miss


Monday, August 23, 2010


We have our friends,

those who we talk to and ask for advice

The advice that we kind of don't want to hear and already know the answer to

Sometimes it's just for reassurance

one that we will get from someone that won't rub it in our face

But hopefully say it with grace

Although really, c'mon those friends who just tell it like it is are the ones that we need

That's the reason why we keep them around

because we know that they won't keep it from us

Simply letting us know what they think as they may disagree with our opinions

Quite fun actually to have the conversation going back and forth while we think

"why was it that I asked?"

And our friend knows this and relishes it

Acknowledging at every moment "well hey, you did ask"


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Crème brulée, what I like to call the French version of a nice homemade flan.

Straight from Gaul now known as Le France this creamy custard is just as that oven

dessert I like to bake in baño de agua María. With eggs, evaporated milk and thick condensada,

the result of the two is a gentle custard meant to be

enjoyed slowly;

like a nice scotch taken neat as to aprovechar each note of that cane specially fermented.

With that all to familiar taste of amargenta azucar quemada, I cannot help but go in for more.

It's a nice thing for my senses to appreciate the sabor of so many thoughts.

Like the time that sugar got a little too burnt but glazed the flan just the same, the one that I find to still hold as my favorite.

Or the little personal ones I bought at the bodega in a little tin cup where the top was the best part of lightly soft custard

with a brown color like that of the sugary syrup at the bottom.

My crème brulées more delicate in texture have the same fun to spoon off the top revealing a lightly golden custard

where the almibar also dances waiting for the first piece.

Yes these two are mere twins simply served with different styles.

My flan in a triangular slice for each where the le crème bulée çe plus personal

classically set in a small white bowl molded those papita ruffles for décor.

Pero igual, ambos me encantan.

Crème Brulée–Google Images

Flan–Tumblr Image


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today she felt a little defeat, perhaps disillusioned.

To think that after almost a year in transit, things just stopped at an odd place.

To have shared her story with complete strangers who know nothing of her.

To have repeated such more than once woefully while trying not to break inside.

The question comes "was it all worth it?"

Yes, in many ways it was because with it she learned that she was not the only one.

With it, she removed the mask that others seem to see.

It was not at all easy, but now something that she can put behind her.

Not to forget, but to remind her of how strong she can be and more.

To let her know that He doesn't give anyone more than they can handle.

It is all a test to pass.

Regardless of this outcome, she has to know that given the opportunity, she would have had to do it all the same again.

"Un paso atrás, ni pa' coger impulso"
