Friday, August 10, 2012


It was a short drive, from point a to point b with a short cut on Avenue C 
They stepped out of the car and walked into the city street lights 
Towards the left they saw the place 
Tucked in under a guitar shop 

And you could hear the gentle hum of dinner conversations 

They walked in 
The lights didn't dim 
although the show, it was about to begin 

With a ruffled skirt, a flower in her hair and castañuelas in hand 
she danced and felt with passion each strum of the guitar 

Every olé was heart felt 
as her feet moved along faster 
the fringe in her mantilla became a single blur

The song filled every corner of the room 

Her eyes were closed 
and the miles of separation disappeared 
she was no longer in NY 
she was in her tierra gitana                                                                    photo                  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If Only

There is a saying that when you stop looking, the right person comes along
It's one of those peek-a-boo things in life that just surprises you 
and when you think about it, can scare you a bit too

I mean think about it,
all of a sudden someone just pops up and says "Hello!" 
I would jump up a little and probably let out a little yelp, but that's just me
Now I wonder, does that also apply to jobs? 
Because if its does, then perhaps I should stop looking from now 
and wait for that moment in which a frazzled little something 
comes out and says "surprise!" 
it's not your party, but something better ;-) 

Ha! ok 
