Wednesday, October 27, 2010

-el arroz-

Bueno, ya ella lleva tiempo cocinando

pero últimamente la comida le esta saliendo a medias

El arroz por ejemplo aveces esta

más duro que dos palitos de chifa

también saladito como para sazonar algo

¿qué será lo que le pasa?

¿en qué andará pensando?

"si te aprieta el pecho

si muerdes tus labios

si estas intranquila...

no lo niegues

no lo dudes

no lo pue-des negar

se te ve

se te ve

enamorada "

-Limite 21



Monday, October 18, 2010


Unwrap it to reveal a cube of sheer strawberry bliss

Crystallized sugar with the essence of 15 strawberry patches

linger in your mouth to slowly swim the ocean of your senses

The taste, the sensation of berries

Run wild in that patch, but close your eyes at least once as you breathe it all in the fruit of spring .


[sigh & say ah]


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Salsa Night

So everyone is dancing and then all of a sudden the salsa mix comes on

Yippee because Los Adolecentes got it going on

and who doesn't love it when they play Lloraras by Oscar de Leon

Pero I tell you this

If you are not a professional salsa dancer for the club, by which I mean–

if you don't really salsa too well

Then leave the pista to the professionals, because you will get stepped on

With so many turns and twirls you have to be sure of what you're wearing

For example, zapatos bajitos & abiertos may not be the best because

someone and their taco end up saying hello to your foot

Oh it hurts

And then there is the pushing & pushing

people get all into it like it's the Salsa Olympics

Moving pa' qui & pa' alla & turn...

still, you're just learning

but you can groove with the music

from a distance of course

How about near the bar

you know, where people retreat to hold their drinks

while looking out as they sip and tapping their foot

It's an ok place there as you have plenty of free space

with out having to worry about a slight elbow that came with a turn

muy buen lugar to learn

So salsa away, but from a careful distance as you watch everyone clap, tap and dance


Saturday, October 2, 2010


"Gosh your pretty"

that was all he needed to start something new

something that would change his life forever

something that along the way would make him grow

It was an important thing that let him see his actions unfold

and the weight that they carry as well

How somethings are more important than others came into perspective

like what a real friend is and what it means to be supportive

Then again, there are mistakes that we all make at some point

some that we put on "oh I was a kid" and really it's just lack of experience

Still, their words have made an effect

one that just between them

has reached more than a few people

