Thursday, October 2, 2014

And so we go...

It's in there. Beneath that shell of 'I don't believe in love or any such thing' lies the dreamer that believes. Yes, as in those novels and fairy tales that begin with a 'once upon a time' there is a prince out there for each princess. Perhaps he's not as swift of a dancer to sweep her off her feet and carry her off into the night–but he will be enough to make her forget where she is. He will have her get lost in his words that are simple yet enchanting. He will tell her simple truths like 'I love you in that dress' or you should leave your hair down more, because it's just so beautiful. He will make her want to sway in the middle of the street forgetting about the cars beeping about the current traffic situation. Not sure about 'le raison de etre' but to her, his touch will be electrifying and soothing, something she just cannot get enough of. The love emanating from him that is truly obvious to those that see for his beloved queen that he doesn't often meet. 
But what about the reality? The reality that her close friends are still single battling guys they don't understand and trying understand why the dating scene is just so difficult. Preferring to remain in a relationship that gives more headaches than heartaches because of the some how infallible idea of being alone! 
Whatever happened to knocking on doors until the right one opened? Fear took over and with it came the complacency to settle for something shy from happiness to be aloud to say 'but I'm not alone'. 
This maybe why she's still single and 'with out a chance'–is she asking for too much? 
Not at all, she's just asking for a smile that will make her warm inside, for that brushing of hands that will put her nerves on high alert with the giddy heart palpitations that follow. She want's to get lost in a sea of people knowing that at the moment only they two exist. She wants what is true and meant to be, not something that's pretend and not supposed to be. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

On a Quest


At 27 plus one she stood in the category of still single and not even mingling.  
No boyfriend to date and she was ok with that. Used to the fact of perhaps an occasional date every couple of years–yes years! She wasn't looking forward to much. 
At least it's what she made others believe. It's as if in her stood the external shell of a woman subdued to the fact that all men are the same. None worth any time that isn't spent playing some odd game of I'm not going to call you today but in a few weeks so we can get together again and see what happens. She was tired of silly mind games 'he loves me, he doesn't love me oh but he just texted me'.
She came to terms with the fact that not everyone is meant to be in a relationship and that's ok. 
However her parents on the other hand would like to differ. The dad that she so loved mentioned how he would love to have grand children apparently overlooking the fact that he also has a son that can provide ;) Truth be told, her mom would like to clarify that her only daughter is not a closet lesbian on the verge of being jamona.
After x amount of failed un relationships she came to terms with the fact 'mejor estar sola que mal acompañada' No need to drag things out with someone whose hand you don't care to hold for more than a second to confirm that the satellite time on your cellphone is in sync with the wrist watch. She was over that text conversation with the person that would reply to a message an hour later to a simple 'what are you upto?' with 'aquí ya tu ve…' no mas-no more. 
To go forward and focus on not having to decipher a man with as much intensity as morse code. She was not trying to make out every little hint to find out the he needed more time or to learn that he didn't believe in time and would want to just throw out the word relationship and jump into pure physicality. No she has an actual brain under the frizzy untamed curls. A brain that she very much enjoyed using to explore new worlds in a book where the character's love story unfolds into a fit of unplanned perfection–toil yielding to a not so secret I love you and just want to kiss you. 
But this, this is all made up and fiction. But it's what she went for. Leaving the reality of life to live on vicariously through a persona in a novel whose unfolding story pulled her in all the more. 
Skipping all the madness and drama, reaching all the lovely dovey googley eyes and kisses–she would never settle. She refused to go with someone who wouldn't acknowledge her in entirety. Young ladies deserve to be loved and stared into deeply after week long conversations over the phone. Going on about the day and counting the hours 'till we meet again'. In love one should be as excited to see the bearer of your favorite chocolate confection ;-) as a child looking forward to the close of a school day to run up to their parents arms. You should look at that person and just want to melt so that you can encumber their whole self and take in that scent that you so love. You should be able to hold a silent conversation in which you tell each other everything with a mere glance and brush of hands. It's about a language unsaid but very much felt. 
The one about that quest that must continue tomorrow because as of now this princess must sleep. 
'Till next time my pretties' the conversation of love and what it may be…

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Have you heard the song 
"some people wait a life time 
for a moment like this 
some people wait a lifetime 
for that one special kiss "
Well, it was one of those 
Something so unexpected 
for the both of us I'm sure
and yet it happened 
so caught up in the moment
that planning it would not
have come as close 
to such perfection 

It's like a puzzle piece
we just fell into each other
after being scattered around
someone like the Man upstairs 
put us together 

His lips fell into mine 
and they felt so right 
I myself was surprised to feel 
such ease and comfort 

His lips belong there
on my temple of love 
making their way to 
soft lips where 
the two meet to lock

His arms around myself 
my arms around his self 
and somehow 
we are lost in each other 
an embrace that will last forever 
Till the next time we come together 


Thursday, April 3, 2014


She didn't know it at first                                                 
she had no idea,
but it was him

He who paid attention to all the details
he who studies all her movements 
and knew just what it was that she needed

He thought of her every night before bed
and every morning as his day began 

It was he who was patient enough 
to understand her 
and strong enough to give her
the space she needed 

And she knew it.



Monday, February 17, 2014

Mi Venezuela

En los mil ochocientos el gran libertador Simón Bolívar lucho para la libertad 
'Bolívar soñaba con un gobierno que reconociera los derechos de cada ser humano'. 
Un gobierno libre de opresiones
Hoy de 17 de Febrero 2014,–la historia se repite en nuestra querida Venezuela. 
Hoy hay una lucha en contra la dictadura y por la libertad
La libertad de prensa
La libertad de poderle dar voz a las opiniones diferentes sin temor a nada 
La libertad de un mañana en el que las personas vivan sin miedo a la milicia que esta contra del pueblo 
La libertad de poder elegir sin que el gobierno lo calle 
Pero así como Bolívar luchó con todas sus fuerzas 
Luchamos hoy y seguimos en la batalla 
Tal vez sea larga 
Tal vez nos cansemos un poco 
Pero vamos a seguir y vamos a ganar
En la unión esta la fuerza
Paz para Venezuela 
Encomienda Dios
