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It's not that she changed
It was that she found her way
Her journey began at childhood
With the beliefs that were instilled in her
With the beliefs that lead her to learn more
And with that more she did't question
but came to a realization
That which she thought was no longer true for her
The Christian teachings she thought to be
Were no longer for her
Not because she didn't believe
But because she was wanted to be free
In the Maccabees she learned of the battle fought
to let go of all things that did not pertain to God
those idols that some held on to
were no longer for her
Her belief in life that God alone is her path
lead to her to Judaism
Not because she didn't believe in Jesus
No it's not that
It's that she believed that in order to be saved
all you need is God
You need not pray to anyone else but God
This came to be her belief
and not in anything else
because God alone has power over her
Whatever may be in tartarus may be
But to her
it's only One that she can believe in
This is where she found her peace
In accepting that everyone has a different path
everyone will have a different belief
and it is not at all bad
because all are God's children
and all are to coexist in tolerance and love
She found her spiritual growth in the God of Jerusalem
But that doesn't mean one cannot find Him in Allah
In the New Testament with Jesus
In the words of Confucius or even Vatsayana
She won't know knock it
But she already knows
that she doesn't have to try it
Wherever you look
He is there
Waiting to welcome you in
And hoping that you are just as accepting
of everyone else
as He is of you