Thursday, June 4, 2015

And the sun rises everyday


She's twenty something 
Late twenties really 
Just a little before thirty 
She's from New Jersey 
But she work's in NY 

You know, that city where dreams are made 
Or at least created 
It's like a place that holds a lot of dreams really 

That  dream of leaving everything behind 
And starting a new 
Of becoming your own self 
With out a care in the world
At least not caring what anyone else thinks anyway 

Well at twenty something 
It's kind of when you come to know 
A lot of things 
Like the fact that as everyone else is getting married
You're still single 
Yet it doesn't' bother you 
But your friends, they start to want to settle down 

They don't all want to be 'late–
for that very important date'
Ah yes, life 
That thing everyone is trying to rush 
While those that take it in stride 
Are simply called hippies
Peace-love and flower power

But why rush?
Why are you trying to become 
That adult that hates the job traveled to every day
That looks forward to the evening to forget with a  glass of wine
The person that gets into a relationship to conform–
To the pressures of society, 
Those that say you should already be married with a mortgage 
And 2.5 children–point five!

What's the point of that?
Isn't that what drives to the point of no return 
Where so many people refuse to look back and 
Just go deeper and deeper 

You know with the abuse that no one will confirm out loud
Drinking, zanax and valium here and there
Because no one wants to feel…

But really, what's so bad?
If you didn't want it
Why did you take it?
When did you lose yourself?

Is that what being an adult is really about?
Well no wonder Peter Pan never wanted to be one!

She'll just stay
Stay right where she is and keep studying 
Keep learning about what she likes 
And what's right for her
At twenty something,
She might be on to something 
The greatest moments of her life
Because she wants to feel 
She's up for the ups and downs that will come 
She's ready for them 
To learn from them and embrace from them 

Because she just refuses to be that person 
That will let everything bring her down 
She won't conform 
She's going to rebel 
Loud or silently, 
She's just going to do it
It's the only way she knows 

And maybe that's part of her magic
That fairy dust that she just can't let go of 
Dreams–because they are achievable 
Did she just say that?
Cliché right? 
Oh touché
