Thursday, November 22, 2018

What did he know

The reason as to why she kept herself 
It was simple 
She just didn’t feel getting judged by a stranger 
A stranger who barely knew her on the surface
Yet would have plenty to say about her 
And what she ‘should’ be doing 

The reason as to why she preferred her friends 
It was that 
They knew her well 
They knew her struggles and how far she had come 
They knew all about the progress she had made 
They knew all about the process

But someone from the outside
Well they wouldn’t know much 
And she wasn’t going to tell them either 

But then he came along 
And she made it quite clear 
She wasn’t there to be judged 
She didn’t care to validate her being 
To a stranger of 24 hours or 24 days 

When he came along 
She made an attempt to push him away 
To keep him away 
But he just wouldn’t go 

And then he did it 
The very thing she had told him not to do 
He made assumptions 
He thought he knew her 
He said what he did 
He judged her 

Validating her adamant reason 
As to why she kept to herself 

He knew not of her struggles
He knew not of her triumphs 
He knew nothing of the path she had made 
Becoming a better version of herself 

A work in progress 

And he nothing of it...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

But how???

He was on a roll 
Asking her questions 
Making her question 
What things are 
How should they be 

Who is to say what’s really right?
Who is to say what really is the key to happiness?

And so she thought 
To herself, not aloud 
Not with him 

She thought about how great money is 
It can buy a lot of things 
But she didn’t really care for things 
What she really lived for was those moments 
Those moments that like in that ever so famous cliché 
Takes your breath away 

Alas, it was true 
At least her truth 
She cared not to be wealthy in money 
It would be nice, but not a priority 

She just wanted to be happy 
She just wanted to be free
She knew very well that she could be broke 
Broke but happy 

Broken and glued together and sewn back in so many places
But still happy 
Because it wasn’t all that bad
There were moments
Moments life gave her that were just as beautiful 
As all the hurt she had once experienced 

But what about him?
How could she tell this to him?
How could she make him feel?
How could she help him enjoy 
The feeling of the wind zipping past his face
While he ran on the field…

How could she teach him to love early mornings 
The kind in which the sky is seen 
With clouds of pink 
Like neon cotton candy across the sky 

How could she teach him to adore 
Those loving whispers 
The ones made each night 
Right before she said goodnight 



Wednesday, November 14, 2018


It was Tuesday 
Cold and still damp from the rain that just stopped
There was a puddle on the ground 
And so she had to hop out of her car 
She wasn’t ready to get her feet wet 

She pulled the heavy glass door 
And saw him, sitting in the corner 
Waiting for her at the busy coffee shop 

She wasn’t there for the coffee or the scones
She was there for him 
For the new company that awaited 
The conversation to be had 

She sat on the hard wooden chair 
And he spoke 
He asked her about moments
‘How do you know that you haven’t missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime’

Well the truth is she didn’t know 
Do you ever?
Do you always?
How do you know if it is that special opportunity?

Was he supposed to come into her life to make her question things?
Was she to question things that she knew she wouldn’t find an answer for?
She didn’t know 

She wondered…
And thought about it 
If it really an opportunity that’s meant to be, 
Well won’t it just be?

Both points were just as valid
How do you know?
Sometimes you get a gut feeling 
But not always 
Sometimes you just have to go with it 
And hope for the best...
