If she looked inside herself, she wouldn’t like what she saw
She wouldn’t want to face what was there
It would just be too much for her to take
And so she did whatever she could to push it all away
Any semblance of soul searching
Anything that would seem like it may be too different from her
Anything that wasn’t part of her wild party
Would just be flat out wrong
So to hear someone else point out the very emptiness that was her
It shook up too much
It made her think about herself and what she was really hiding
In an effort to keep the thoughts at bay
She changed the story of a woman scorned seeking attention
In the approval of others by blatantly showing her most intimate parts
For some instant gratification
It was no longer about a woman that was hurt inside
Refusing to let go of what wasn’t there
Refusing to move on from what became bare
It became about a rival that was just too uptight
To see a little extra skin in bad lighting
It became about a rival that was too much of a prude for the side boob
The racy comments to the pictures weren’t inappropriate at all
If the world didn’t want to see it in their face, they could just turn their head
It became about the rival that wanted everyone to be like her
Walking in a straight line
It was never about searching inside for the why
It was something that would never happen
Like water and oil mingling together for more than 5 minutes
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