Monday, August 7, 2023

the Magic

Do you know why NY has never left you?

Because it was magical 

An experience like no other

None of it was planned 

Yet it happened as if the two were actors in a movie 

Following a script that was just too perfect 

From the holding each other close in the rain and running to take the train 

It was all so magical 

The scenes that followed after even more so 

Videos & face times 

The sweetest ever 

Messages and emojis

Between two young kids growing and learning their way in the world 

It will always be special 

It will always be magical and held in a high regard 

Because it will forever be beautiful 

Perhaps other people may miss out on the story 

It may be too good to believe anyway 

But for those two young lovers that lived it 

It will always remain true 

A testament that magic is real 

And that sometimes you just have to let it happen 

So here’s to NY 

The city of love more so than Paris 

Because it happens when you least expect it 

Making you the most thankful for the experiences that follow 

To NY 

Now with some drinks & a smoke 


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