Monday, February 22, 2010


What if in life there was a backspace button? And we would only be able to use it once.

A button that would simply correct a single mistake that would be erased so easily without leaving the slightest remnants of rubber behind.

For what would you use it?

Would it be for that time someone told you "I love you" in which your response was "thank you"?

Definitely don't think it would be used to erase that one time you got caught cheating on a spelling test in 3rd grade after the pretty girl two rows over decided to tell the teacher about your "notes of assistance". Somehow, that one incident helped you get more friends.

Would you use it to actually study for the SATs so that you could have gotten into the college of your choice–although if that were the case, you probably wouldn't have had all those cool friends now.

What about telling that one person how you really felt, knowing that right now would be different? For all we know, such a person thought of you just as much wondering when it was that you would make a move.

Or do you think that you would save it for later when you could "really use it"?

Then again, why would wait till later?

There is a now!


1 comment:

  1. hola bionica esta todo bien! solo que deje medio abandonado el blog, gracias por preocuparte. Ahora estoy con un proyecto nuevo, pero para youtube... y mi energia esta toda ahi :) pronto dae novedades! un abrazo grande!


Thanks for stopping by ;-)