Thursday, July 11, 2019

Game of Thrones

Through out its run on HBO, I never took the time to watch an episode of the epic show Game of Thrones. The one show that made so many headlines and people said it was the absolute best. So I took my time and actually watched all 73 episodes after the last episode of the series aired. I heard so many things about the ending that was supposed to be the worst and even came across a petition asking to rewrite the last season.
This petition has more signatures than I could have imagined. If so many people put as much effort into this rewrite towards education and recycling, things may be a little better around the world-but that is a story for another day...
So I saw this show and although it was great and the effects, costumes, actors...everything was good I think we are all entitled to say what we feel about it. It was very well put together and a definite favorite among many at least until 'the end' that so many people complained about.
Yet I cannot understand what all this fuss is about. People are mad that a fictional character with a bad temper and low tolerance to different opinions aside from her's what killed off on a show and saying that the writers are bad. Um hello? Watching the series you learn that as in life, not everything will go as we planned and as in life, you also know that it's not right to have an egotistical person in power.
As soon as I saw the Tarly's get burned alive for refusing to bend the knee my grand affection for Daenerys changed a little because that was just brutal. The woman went off to burn innocent people and do away with an entire city and people are complaining about this?
OMG what is wrong with the world? The writers did an excellent job and putting the seasons together from beginning to end and it's just pretty sucky to know that people are complaining about this the way they are.
On behalf of 'people' I apologize to the amazing writers that did not let the dragon lady keep burning people at a whim. Jon Snow was able to return to the north and the night king was defeated. What more could viewers ask for after all that happened?
Cersei was gone at least so she couldn't control people in her favor either. These 2 women were fighting each other and yet were similar, gnawing for the throne so that they could say what goes.
At least Bran will know to show mercy when needed.
So thank you again for the amazing work and to the people with their panties in a bunch, thank goodness that they are not ruling anyone–or so I hope...

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