Wednesday, May 20, 2020


The year is 2020 and I’m registered as a voter for a political party 
A party that I chose when I was 18 and feel that currently has little importance because more than anything the choice of a party can do more to separate than to unite us as humans 

I feel that so many people get caught up in titles and all the comes with it forgetting what really matters 
Using your position in leadership to make things better for everyone 
But this can be forgotten on the political path and I’m just so over the slander 
Who cares what the opponent did or didn’t do, why can’t a person talk about what they have done and are continuing to do 

I don’t recall the first political that is talking about saving the forests which give us air to breathe 
Without said air no human can live yet this is pushed to the back burner if that 
I don’t understand how it is that in 2020 it has been so hard to keep vital things 
Like a clean ocean without garbage so that marine life can thrive and fisherman can have something to fish that isn’t polymer related 

In regards to health, why are insurance companies not providing women with breast pumps but giving men viagra?
Guess what, the ones that need the pumps give birth to the ones that need the viagra 
Why not give them some extra loving when they need it so 
Why aren’t we providing women with fertility treatment to be covered by their insurance 
Why aren’t insurance companies helping women freeze their eggs?
I’m so over women getting the end of the stick that is dusty and literally pointless

The source of life is fighting to breathe and it makes no sense 
When and why has this come to be so?
The basic things that we should be doing are being ignored?
The earth is fighting because humans are mistreating it and then only a select few are running around to un do all the damage
The bees should not be in danger 
Humans were fine before pesticides before and the bees were better off
Fruits in vegetable didn’t need to grow into supersize versions to meet supply and demand 
Humans just need to understand patience and the basic rule of keep your living temple sacred 

Keep the earth clean-beaches, rivers, the polar bears alive because they are cute and cuddly 
Keep planting trees because we need the air to breathe 
Keep the earth from warming up because I’m over the heatwaves with boob sweat and sticky thighs
The whales shouldn’t be eating garbage and we shouldn’t be feeding it to them 

I don’t know about karmic law but what about the law of life-be good and be kind 
It’s that simple 
Putting good things out there 
And having human decency and consideration for others without making it difficult 

The year is 2020 and with all the tools acquired it seems that we still have so much to learn 
Basically we should be loving, tolerant and accepting regardless of sex, belief, nationality… 
Let humans be amazing and don’t make basic needs impossible
ie don’t pollute the water because then what are you going to drink after?
Just saying, it’s not about the party that divides us but should be about the race that unites us


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