When we go to school, we do it with the hopes that someday soon we will get ourselves a fascinating job that will pay us money we never had. Something that requires us to dress like it's important and way more than "just a day at the office".
We go through ups and downs, many being downs during our collegiate years in which we think about our lack of money and how come we don't have any. It is because of the fact that what my cousin once told me is still very true "these are the poorest years of you life"–no lol. And of course they are, how could they not be when your a student full time struggling through 5 classes (6 if you're a trooper) while making sure that you have money to buy those energy boosters to keep you going when you have that paper due in 7 hours, plus there is a party every Thursday. It's ALWAYS college night on Thursday!
Oh and on top of that, you must be able to buy that over priced hoodie from the school bookstore to show that you have school spirit and save on a few outfits by just leaving it on in class so that no one will see that you really aren't wearing the latest fashions (or that you haven't done laundry in a week–maybe two).
But yes, those are the woes of a student. A student who is full of hope that one day all of the above will pay off, just like those meal plans that must be included when you dorm.
Then the day comes when your so excited to graduate and splurge on a dress and even a keg because your friends are coming over, and its YOUR COLLEGE GRADUATION!!! A few weeks pass by and you start to look for work because your low on cash and your parents are already nagging you about it if they aren't telling their friends that your going to get "this job making this money…" It's normal and it happens. Part of life, regardless of the fact that you are a little clueless on what it is that you really want to do and who you are as a person. This is where that "finding yourself" business kicks in and you realize that they weren't physically lost or disoriented from where they were standing, just a little bit unsure of their life.
Well, now is that time and on top of that, those six months are passing from whence you graduated and Sallie Mae is at your door with an 8% interest rate that just keeps going like the energizer bunny when you can't even write a check that fast. This also has to do with you NOT having the money right now either, but its ok because you can get a deferment to pay it off in 8 years like if it were a house for more than double of what it was originally.
But I guess, that's what happens when you don't have the cash flow to work with it, a cash flow that you expected to have after studying so hard and waiting those 4-5 years to receive those black calligraphed letters with your name and the word diploma just a few lines away.
Sigh…the dreams of the student and the work of the graduate.
I guess that saving during high-school would have been an excellent idea, only that we began at fourteen and didn't really think such a thing would be needed.
Well, work's knocking someone's door and they must be excited.
Can you hear it?