Friday, September 11, 2009

Is it a Routine to Dream?

In life, there are things we want to do and there are things that we must do. Such as daydreaming of a life and things that we want to have while at work or even at a traffic light. They are just random things that flutter in our heads such as the desire to one day bungee jump and conquer a fear or in some different cases to kiss a complete stranger with out thinking about it and just going for the moment. 

There are goals that we have for ourselves but sometime never set and just dream about achieving. Yet what is really the point of thinking when you aren't even going to do? Is it to just process and analyze? Do we have these thoughts in bubbles set up in a pinball machine in our minds to which we play a game to everyday deciding which risk to take, always choosing the less "dangerous" one? Perhaps...

But if we were to set up goals for ourselves everyday, things would be more fun and routines would be less predictable. It really isn't all that hard. We have more than enough time during the day that we spend idly doing nothing, just daydreaming

What if I set a goal for myself everyday? One of different things to do and some sort of consequence to perhaps induce myself to do it even more. Something or things that would be good for me and fun like taking up a hobby that's new or even actually completing things that are not. 

I think that it happens often to more people (not just me) that start something that they may want to do and then after a few short moments & tries it's over and back to the routine. To the routine of beginning things that will not be finished but only half done and never thought out. 

When we daydream, it's all the way–something continuous that we like to pick up. When we work, we just pile on more, something continuous that we don't want to finish.

What goals should I set for me? Something different to do everyday. A project that will keep me learning and let me reveal different things to myself.

How about that to live? To live and not just do things to get by, like eating just to eat in the mechanical form of chewing, but to actually savor that which I do and enjoying

Should it be a reto that I should set up for myself? What suggestions do you have that I do? 

It could be things that may be added to a routine, but a little bit more enriching to help me learn. Learn of new things that are and may be. 

Merrily merrily, is life really a dream?


1 comment:

  1. hola bionica me alegro mque te hayan resultado graciosas! muchas gracias por pasar y una pregunta... ¿como encontraste el blog?


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