Friday, May 31, 2019


To the gentlemen that never write back and become the ghosts of what once was, thank you
Thank you for the text messages that once upon a time brought a smile to a girl’s face 
Thank you for the beauty of the anticipation right before your call 

Not exactly sure about what went wrong and why you disappeared 
Is there even a point in asking?
Probably not because for all we may know, the problem may not even be the girl 
The problem may be the boy 

Not everyone is able to put into a simple conversation what they’re feeling 
What they’re missing and what they want 
It’s ok, it happens 

The brief moments of togetherness lead to endless ever afters thought over and over again 
Never manifested of course but still worth the while 

To the gentlemen that never write back 
Here’s to hoping that one day you stay and are more than a mirage 
One that is able to properly communicate what you want to say 
So that the ever afters may be more than a thought of what may come to be
Thank you


Monday, May 20, 2019

The Four

It was Friday night and in the red dimmed bar stood 4 different women 
From different age groups, from different families and upbringings, yet there for the same reasons
They needed to work 
Two were at the door collecting the money and the other two inside shaking their thang to make the money 

The two inside had the possibility to make countless money on tips doing what some may say was compromising their integrity
But was it really? Or was it just a smart tactic to stay afloat and make money?
It almost seems like a really intelligent move on a chess board, thinking about how to win at the game 
The two at the door would leave with no more than $90 each 
Yet all 4 were struggling just the same 
Difference being in who did what to make a little bit more 

And society just has a ball when it comes to what is slut shaming
Calling someone out for something that doesn’t concern them 
Because no one ever talks about the one giving the tips making it a ‘thing’ to strip, be a bottle girl or whatever it may be 

So annoying how some people are just all up in another’s business as if they ask for permission every time they’re going to gossip or take a step 

And while they were talking at their rectangular bar table with the dimmed lights she learned that some women make a lot of money selling their undergarments online
A lot of money 
Yet someone that does this may also be slut shamed and as much as she tries she cannot fathom why…
Why is it that it’s always a one way street 
What about the buyer that is no doubt encouraging this 

Because it seems to become harder everyday for women to be able to earn the money they deserve in a position in which they don’t feel like a sexualized object 
Many jobs may want to hire a candidate at a entry level salary when they have incredible experience and are more than qualified for the part 
Everyone has bills to pay and a lifestyle to maintain yet it seems to be quite the challenge to reach the point in which one doesn’t have to become a sexual object in order to live comfortably and not paycheck to paycheck doing something that they enjoy

What a dilema–but how can it be solved?…


Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Truth

The more she talked to others, the less that she could believe it 
There were others like her that suffered just like she did 
If not more 

Parents really weren’t all they were cracked up to be 
At least not all 
But in reality, it seemed like the greater majority 
Impinging on their children all that they suffered as a kid in more 

They just said a word and it became a law with out any voting 
Some parents never even cared to know why their kids rebelled 
They never cared to look deeper than what they saw 
They never cared to take the time and actually love 

Some parents have been known to just enforce their authority 
Like a police officer that likes to take advantage due to their stance
They have been known to simply smack their child for saying something that they didn’t like 
They never cared to simply ask why and try to find out how to keep them from feeling like such outburst are ok 

The communication was just never there 
It was a one way street in so many homes 

Awful to know that so many adults never cared to really communicate
To turn the living room into a court room and look at things from all sides 
To see why certain causes are defended so strongly 
Instead they have abused their adulthood to become abusive in ways they will never know 

The sad part is that to them it will never be about becoming better
To them it will never be about something that was wrong 
To them it will be about an ungrateful child that just continues to show disrespect fo going against them 

They will never understand the loneliness they may feel later one because of the absence of their child 
Their child that will simply runaway because they no longer have to withstand the abuse 
To them it will be about someone that left them with out reason 
Never understanding that their behavior was far from ok 
And that there was never a need to be complacent and accept their wrong doings for what they were 

They may never understand that their ‘love’ was nothing more than an expression of all they lacked 
An expression of all they hurt thrown upon someone like a hailing rainstorm at full force 
With out warning and without shelter 
Causing them to run farther and farther seeking the sunshine 


Friday, May 17, 2019


They just couldn’t understand what happened
Their beloved little sheep was no longer following them 
Refusing to keep up with the herd 
She no longer sought the approval of the shepherd 

She was on a learning path hungry to know more 
Of what could be, of what was and of what is…
But all this knowledge was becoming too much for the flock 
They looked at her differently, not understanding 

Like Eve cast out of Eden for taking a bite out of the fruit from the tree of knowledge 
She was gaining the spots that went with rebellion 
As she came to realize that all she had known before wasn’t right 
And she had no reason to follow it or stand for it 

She understood that just because someone was family 
There still was not a reason to accept or enable what she didn’t believe in
For her it wasn’t about taking sides 
For her it was about doing what was right 

The patterns followed before didn’t have to continue 
Just because they became a legacy didn’t mean that they were good 
And she wanted good 
She wanted what would make her feel good to be free 

However she understood that her freedom didn’t come alone 
Like everything there was a price 
Her peace of mind would make her the black sheep 
The lost one to others who in reality found herself 

But she was ok with that 
She accepted her path and she knew her truth 
She was going to brush out her mats, carry a pic in her pocket 
Whenever she needed to be reminded of the light she held 
The light that took off like a rocket 


Tuesday, May 14, 2019


If she looked inside herself, she wouldn’t like what she saw 
She wouldn’t want to face what was there 
It would just be too much for her to take 
And so she did whatever she could to push it all away 

Any semblance of soul searching 
Anything that would seem like it may be too different from her
Anything that wasn’t part of her wild party 
Would just be flat out wrong 

So to hear someone else point out the very emptiness that was her 
It shook up too much 
It made her think about herself and what she was really hiding 

In an effort to keep the thoughts at bay 
She changed the story of a woman scorned seeking attention 
In the approval of others by blatantly showing her most intimate parts 
For some instant gratification

It was no longer about a woman that was hurt inside 
Refusing to let go of what wasn’t there 
Refusing to move on from what became bare 

It became about a rival that was just too uptight 
To see a little extra skin in bad lighting 
It became about a rival that was too much of a prude for the side boob 

The racy comments to the pictures weren’t inappropriate at all
If the world didn’t want to see it in their face, they could just turn their head
It became about the rival that wanted everyone to be like her 
Walking in a straight line 

It was never about searching inside for the why 
It was something that would never happen 
Like water and oil mingling together for more than 5 minutes


Sunday, May 12, 2019


Her eyes kept on averting over to her phone 
The one that was kept in the dark for the past 3 hours 
Without a single notification to light it up
Not an email swoosh to let her know something new came in 
Or a beeping alert to the reply of his message 

And just like that she knew that it was over 
Without it even starting, it was done 
After a 10 minute walk, befriending her fur baby and 7 minutes of face to face talking 
It was done, just like that 

She wasn’t sure of what happened 
She wasn’t sure if it was something she said 
She wasn’t sure if it was something she didn’t say 

But after all that questioning, she knew she didn’t have the answers 
She knew who held the key, but she wasn’t going to try the lock 
Because just like that, it was done…


Sunday, May 5, 2019


You could say that she was definitely the fun one 
The wild one that would talk about anything and do just about anything 
Almost like the Samantha Jones of the group 

But in reality, when he looked at her
He saw the lonely type 
The one that did just about anything 
To fill up the void she didn’t know she had 

Looking inside herself never seemed like an option 
To do so would be admitting that there was something missing 
Something that she would never come to terms with because then it would need fixing 
She just wasn’t the fixing type 

She would just put on as many bandaids as possible 
Knowing that with certain movements the bandaid could become loose 
Start coming off at the edges 
But she wouldn’t dare look at them 

She would just keep on moving 
Broken and alone 

Acting as if she didn’t have a care in the world…
