As she twisted the end of her hair into a high bun
She came to the realization that the most complicated relationship a woman will have j
Is not with a man, but with her hair
How many times have women looked in front of the mirror with a brush or comb in hand
On the brink of tears of frustration because their hair just wouldn’t cooperate
It’s this thing we have no control over because it honestly does what it wants to do
Regardless of what women want
Some women have hair so straight they really have few style options because if they curl it
Well it’s very likely that the hair will uncurl itself shortly after
There have been times when the comb got tangled in her hair as she tried to straighten it
On another occasion–brace yourself, the comb broke!
Yes, it broke mid way as she was detangling her hair, conditioner and all
But maybe there is a lesson to be learned thanks to hair
First, be kind to yourself, condition and be gentle
Those tight hairstyles that make your head hurt are not necessary
If your hair, that free spirit it is with a made up mind doesn’t want to be styled differently
Love it as it is
Love yourself as you are
Not everyone will appreciate your style for what it is, but if you do–your hair and your self
Will be eternally grateful for it
If you feel like crying because it’s just too much to deal with
Cry, take a step back and really look at the situation
What are you trying to change? Is it something that should remain as is?
Is it something that can be worked with differently?
What are the happy possibilities that won’t make you cry?
And if all else fails, just wear it the as is and call it a good hair day!
Make it a good day, at least for you
She had to give in, because that bun was not looking the way she wanted
So she decided to go with a poof and use a headband for style
And slowly the relationship got better
They liked each other a little bit more
It worked!
And so does life…
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