Sometimes she thought about all she wanted as a kid
To have someone hold her hand
To have someone accept her perspective
Understanding that difference is beautiful
That she will forever be beautiful
But the world worked quite differently
It wasn’t allowed to pick out the cards most liked
It allowed to learn from the best and worst cards dealt
To take in everything possible before picking another card
Before making another move…
Something she sometimes lost sight of
Because she just didn’t know what it was about
She felt lost
Like Alice down the rabbit hole
She didn’t know where she was going or what she was supposed to look for
There were no signs indicating what to do
It was something she had to figure out on her own
In her own time
Even if it meant going around in circles until the lines became straight
A door would open up and she would realize that she had to go around it a few times to see it
It’s all part of the process
The healing that she very much needed