Friday, September 11, 2020

How much longer?

I’ve gotten to thinking that the people that oppose same sex relationships have never experienced love 
They never experienced finding someone to brighten their day with a smile, someone that is understanding and speaks wonders to their soul
These people have been missing out on the joy of life and of love 

Their lack of such mixed with some other things has blinded them to the freedom of love 
Maybe…I don’t know, but it could be why they aren’t able to be happy to hear of another person experiencing such bliss 
To find a partner that makes their heart sing 

I read it all the time, how people have found their soulmates, their best friends… 
And I think to myself–well how beautiful is that 
And when you share such news with the world its because you want to some how have them feel at least a little bit of that love that you’re feeling 

But some people just can’t take it because they don’t know what it is 
They have closed themselves off to the love that is real and they have a rather warped view of things 
Their ego gets the best of them and it’s like a maze, no a labyrinth of things that don’t make sense and preconceived notions that lack love 

Take for instance people that follow things hardcore without room for error when they read holy texts
They forget that the golden rule clearly states to ‘love your neighbor’ –and to simplify things, ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’
But they only repeat what they want 
They like to play games and guilt trip other people for things that make no sense 

It’s annoying and I’m totally over it 
I’m hoping that soon enough they will be over it too and finally open the door to love especially after hearing them preach so much…

How much longer though?


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