Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Mask On

She couldn’t remember if she had told him 
So she said it again 
The best that she could, in a friendly tone that was a bit to chipper 
But she had to say it 
Just in case–she told him that she wasn’t interested in him 
Not in a romantic way, simply as a friend 

To which he surprised that he was very well aware of the fact 
To which she wondered ‘why then are you being so persistent making thins weird?’
But she didn’t say any of that 
She just got into her feelings, even more so when he asked her 
‘Would it still be considered a kiss if we’re both wearing masks?’

That was just too much for her, not just weird, not just uncomfortable but a little scary 
How could someone knowingly ask such a question of a person they clearly know isn’t interested in such 
She found it to be disrespectful and completely uncalled for 
It was a direct violation, at least to her 

And so what would she do then? 
Avoid his calls? How could they when they worked so close together?
Leave her job, the one she needed so much?
Report him? While also being afraid to put his job in jeopardy?
Talk to him again and let him know that she viewed his actions as scary?

It all made her wonder
‘How does any human think this is ok?’
What is it with people expressing defiance towards consent?
It’s selfish and not in a good way, it’s also way too egotistical in her opinion… 


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