This time, when I went to the post office
I was ready
My package was already in the envelope with a label on it with the address
All I had to do was stand in line and wait my turn
And there he was
Coach P
I know this because the back of his white sweatshirt said Coach P— in black letters
What did I know about Coach P?
That he most likely drove in to the post office because as cold as it was
The man wasn’t wearing anything else but a sweatshirt and sweat pants
No hat, no gloves, no scarf
A risk taker if you ask me
He was also very bold
Because I saw him holding the roll of tap from hand to hand
As his exposed teeth went in for the tear
What a guy!
A strong one I tell you
And one that smells really good
Because as soon as I walked in my nostrils caught a whiff of Coach P
His cologne hugged everyone there
Enveloping us like a hug from your crush that makes you smile inside
Feels so nice…
And I thought about how perhaps years ago
I would have stolen a few looks hoping to get his attention
But now it’s just like
Oh, looks nice—
Back to my business
My how things change…