Sunday, January 31, 2021

Coach P

 This time, when I went to the post office 

I was ready

My package was already in the envelope with a label on it with the address 

All I had to do was stand in line and wait my turn 

And there he was 

Coach P

I know this because the back of his white sweatshirt said Coach P— in black letters

What did I know about Coach P?

That he most likely drove in to the post office because as cold as it was

The man wasn’t wearing anything else but a sweatshirt and sweat pants 

No hat, no gloves, no scarf 

A risk taker if you ask me 

He was also very bold

Because I saw him holding the roll of tap from hand to hand 

As his exposed teeth went in for the tear 

What a guy! 

A strong one I tell you 

And one that smells really good 

Because as soon as I walked in my nostrils caught a whiff of Coach P

His cologne hugged everyone there 

Enveloping us like a hug from your crush that makes you smile inside 

Feels so nice… 

And I thought about how perhaps years ago 

I would have stolen a few looks hoping to get his attention 

But now it’s just like 

Oh, looks nice—

Back to my business 

My how things change… 


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

To Be...

Yesterday it was just supposed to be Cheo & Vanessa 

They were supposed to be slow dancing as they warmed up for their scene 

But instead of being my character 

I was being me 

Because of the many things that went through my head, it just took me a while to her 

To begin, I think it was the first time ever that I slow danced with a boy!

Yes, I know right, because bachata doesn’t count 

If the Salesian Sisters at my high school would have seen me 

They would have commanded us to ‘leave room for the Holy Ghost’

I thought to myself, ‘omg do I smell? What if I smell? What if he doesn’t like the way I smell

I did wash my hair on Friday, so I know it’s clean 

Ugh why is this so awkward?

Why am I so awkward?

How long are we going to be dancing for?

This is way more than the 30 seconds our teacher said it would be 

Uy what if he all of a sudden gets a major boner 

Like in the movie on Netflix Yes, God Yes! 

The poor boy said he warmed up like a microwave 

And here we are, super close…’

However, we didn’t step on each others toes 

And after a while I just let my head rest on against his 

The weird part? We were soon in sync 

The odd part?

That all through out romantic comedies I can almost bet that I’m not the only one that thinks 

‘Oh what if that were me’–then when it does happen 

I’m not supposed to be me 

I’m supposed to be the character I’m playing and be in the moment 

Who would have thought that after wanting to be the protagonist for so long 

I would feel so odd & awkward the day it happens

I guess that’s my major growth area 

To be the character 

To be present in the moment 

To simply be… 


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Oh my Sock!

 Dear Sock Thief,

Who are you and why do you take my socks?

Seriously, I would like to know why

I thought that I made it a little challenging for you 

By washing them daily by hand

Staying away from the possibility that a sock or two could get swallowed by a mysterious black hole in the washing machine

Or that the dryer could spin it to shreds leaving only fibers of what once was an odd shaped foot warmer 

But no, it just so happens that after hanging my socks to dry and leaving them for days in the bathroom 

For a day when I remember to use them 

That they’re GONE!!!!


Where do you take them?

What is the point of holding them hostage?

Will they ever grace the heel of my feet again in an effort to keep my feet warm all year long?

Sock thief what do you do with them and why?

Do you have a secret society where people use them to stuff lumpy pillows that were once fluffy?

Or do you take them to dogs that need a play thing to keep from chewing on a shoe or the edge of a table?

Or maybe you save them as a scratch post for adventurous cats that want to play with something elastic that has the power to stretch and become small again, almost like a slinky 

Sock thief-will you ever tell me?

Will you ever stop borrowing with out returning?

Not just for me but for the many people that stay on watch hoping to keep their matching socks together 

I’ll be here, looking out for you and your swift little feet… 


Thursday, January 14, 2021

All for Today

It often happens that as she worries about tomorrow and the day after

She loses touch of today 

And all of a sudden she loses grasp of what may be at hand 

A brand new day full of wonder and possibility 

It all gets lost to what can turn in to rapid breaths that if she isn’t careful 

Can escalate to wheezing in search for life 

For that which keeps us alive 

And all because she couldn’t focus on today 

But it happens and sometimes rather often 

She doesn’t always know how to make it stop 

But she’s trying 

To take it one day at a time 

And when she feels that tomorrow is closing in on her 

She realizes that she has to make an effort 

That she has to open her eyes facing the sun 

Forcing them to close and feel the warmth on her face 

Because that’s part of today 

The feeling of warmth emitted by that ball of fire that doesn’t burn 

Created by Elohim, a testament to His greatness 

And when the warmth envelopes her, she breathes in slowly 

Taking in the scent’s she didn’t notice before 

Feeling the breeze as it plays with her hair 

Hearing the wind as it whispers to the trees 

All for today 

All for today…


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

To Sit for the Breakup

So in Judaism, Shiva is a week long period of mourning the loss of a first degree relative 

Through out this week mourners are comforted and it’s a time in which you’re basically processing all that’s going on 

And so I think 

What if there were a Shiva for breakup, or at least on observation similar 

See when you breakup with someone there is a gaping whole 

A vastness that can sometimes feel like a violent vacuum sucking at your heart 

Making your chest heave as you somehow try process everything at once 

But you can’t because there is so much going on 

All at once 

But what if you were to really take the time to sit down and mourn?

To really look at everything that happened in the relationship 

Rightfully being sad and hurt 

Receiving welcomed comfort from your friends 

Who instead of telling you to get over your partner that wasn’t all that great 

Would simply be there to hold your hand, tie your hair back and wipe the tears from your face 

It may sound a little dramatic

But in all seriousness a breakup can be dramatic as much as it is traumatic 

We’re all humans but we’re all different, however I’ve noticed one thing 

The love is the most important energy for all of us 

So to feel a love re-charge when we feel that we’ve lost so much 

Well it may do us more than good 

It may do us just right 

To know that it’s ok to take it all in and just look at things 

How they were, how they are now and process it all is a big part of moving forward

Sometimes during a breakup people will make it their duty to forget and move forward 

And I wonder, ‘does it really help?’ or ‘does it make it worse?’

To act as if it never happened? 

Well then what happens with all the good things that were lived during that period?

All those memories and learning experiences didn’t just disappear 

They become part of the thread that makes us who we are

And to take the time to acknowledge all that happened 

Look at it, take the time to sit and cry 

Deciding after a time to get back up and move forward 

Well it makes all the difference 

So here’s to sitting for those breakups…
