Wednesday, January 6, 2021

To Sit for the Breakup

So in Judaism, Shiva is a week long period of mourning the loss of a first degree relative 

Through out this week mourners are comforted and it’s a time in which you’re basically processing all that’s going on 

And so I think 

What if there were a Shiva for breakup, or at least on observation similar 

See when you breakup with someone there is a gaping whole 

A vastness that can sometimes feel like a violent vacuum sucking at your heart 

Making your chest heave as you somehow try process everything at once 

But you can’t because there is so much going on 

All at once 

But what if you were to really take the time to sit down and mourn?

To really look at everything that happened in the relationship 

Rightfully being sad and hurt 

Receiving welcomed comfort from your friends 

Who instead of telling you to get over your partner that wasn’t all that great 

Would simply be there to hold your hand, tie your hair back and wipe the tears from your face 

It may sound a little dramatic

But in all seriousness a breakup can be dramatic as much as it is traumatic 

We’re all humans but we’re all different, however I’ve noticed one thing 

The love is the most important energy for all of us 

So to feel a love re-charge when we feel that we’ve lost so much 

Well it may do us more than good 

It may do us just right 

To know that it’s ok to take it all in and just look at things 

How they were, how they are now and process it all is a big part of moving forward

Sometimes during a breakup people will make it their duty to forget and move forward 

And I wonder, ‘does it really help?’ or ‘does it make it worse?’

To act as if it never happened? 

Well then what happens with all the good things that were lived during that period?

All those memories and learning experiences didn’t just disappear 

They become part of the thread that makes us who we are

And to take the time to acknowledge all that happened 

Look at it, take the time to sit and cry 

Deciding after a time to get back up and move forward 

Well it makes all the difference 

So here’s to sitting for those breakups…


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