Friday, April 26, 2019

Parents in the Muck

Let’s be honest, some people were just never supposed to be parents 
It’s quite unfortunate that any knowledge of possible birth control just 
Slipped their minds when it counted most 
Or perhaps they could have been open to the option of adoption 
In hopes to give their offspring a better life, but it just didn’t happen for some 

Instead, some kids grew up with parents so toxic the muck just seemed to get 
thicker and thicker with time 
Every thought they had, every word they said and every thing they did 
Just seemed to be much worse than the last 

Who would have thought that these supposedly adult and or educated parents 
Would have turned out so rotten 
Yup like the yucky tomato that gets forgotten in the fridge 
And grows mold that starts to contaminate the other veggies or fruit as it starts to 
Shrivel up in the cold dark air 
Almost as if to say well ‘If I’m bad, you’re going to be worse’ followed by a sad attempt 
At an evil laugh that just becomes a sad cough because the grossness has taken over 

Never in a million years will I be able to comprehend why parents think it’s ok do things like 
Beat your adolescent child that disagrees with you, instead of using words like a normal mature adult
And the kid doesn’t even have to be an adolescent, that can of whoop a$$ just isn’t going to work 
Because you are missing the bigger picture of communicating why certain things are wrong and 
What is actually write 

If your daughter wants to wear something different than that of your preference, it’s called being an 
Individual with a personality and I do believe that it’s one of the healthiest thing in the world to make 
Proper choices based on what a single person feels to be right for them (of course this is so as long as we aren’t hurting anyone or ourselves)
It’s acceptance that a parent should have because when you have a child, this person is not meant to 
Be your mini me
If not, it would be a Stepford World and that would just be AWFUL!!!!

If your kids like things that you may not feel right for a boy or a girl, get over it 
The year is 2019 and since the dawn of time love has been love and the sexes don’t even matter 
Unless you’re trying to maybe give birth, then you will for sure have to have the ovaries, if not 
Who cares what you do or with whom 
Just let them be who they are and give them love 

If you’re a parent, a certain degree of maturity should really follow 
No need to have screaming matches with anyone or be condescending 
Don’t act like a hormonal teenager that stomps around when things aren’t going their way 
Take a step back and actually look at the picture
Is it really that serious? You’re a parent, not a dictator

Difference is what makes the world go round 
It’s ok if your child doesn’t like what you like
This just means that you should probably get yourself your own friends that are into the same things as you 
It’s a thing, it’s normal 

And then there are those parents who are bothered by every little action or lack there of that a person does and they get super peeved as if something disgusted landed on the tip of their nose and is 
Making it’s way up the nostril 
Get over it! It’s not that serious 
Focus on yourself because the kid can’t go back into the placenta for you to feed it and breathe for the child too 

If you aren’t going to be supportive, don’t be a negative pole either, there is plenty of that to be encountered outside 
Just keep quiet and move it along 
This relationship isn’t based on a court case where the lawyer is coming down on a witness for their client 

The worst thing is that many of these parents are way past 50 and will never think that there is anything wrong with them 
Now I understand why so many people just shy away from their family 
If it’s not necessary (and it’s really not) to be around these grimy people, well stay away 
Don’t let their dirt ruin your polish 

In the long run, you may be very happy with your decision to put your happiness first 
So that you can put more good out there and hope that the discord of your parents will stay at bay 


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