Friday, June 26, 2020

To Learn

They say that every situation is meant to teach us something 
And so she began to wonder what it was that she was meant to learn 
From the person that made a constant effort to bring her down 

Her therapist told her it was domestic abuse–clearly
Yet she never saw it like so until someone else pointed it out 
And when she saw it for what it was her eyes opened to so many things 

One of them being the fact that just because something has been a generational pattern, it doesn’t mean that it’s right 
It doesn’t mean that she has to stay there and take the punches waiting to get hurt 
It also made her realize that she might be the only one seeing things for what they were 

That saying about standing for what you believe in even if it means standing alone 
It hit her hard like a baseball hits a fan in looking down at their phone knocking it out of their hand during a game, shocking them at the same time 
The main reason for this is because she really thought that others would see the abuse she was being put through 

Instead it was accredited to circumstances that came with a million and one excuses 
But that still didn’t make it right because putting a bandaid on a wound that needs stitches will do very little to make it better 

She was just seen as the odd one
The one that was making things difficult for her abuser 
And so she realized then that the black sheep in the family is a thing 
A real thing that occurs perhaps when someone brings something to light that others prefer to keep in the shadows 
But not her, she’s all about the light and making sure that the sun’s rays reach every nook and cranny 

That’s when the words of her therapist came in really loud like a gong at a temple early in the morning 
‘What are you going to do? Are you going to stay or are you going to leave?’
A difficult situation because she understood that if she left, it was very likely that she would leave everyone else behind 
Because at this point in time she stood alone and although she wasn’t lonely she was hurt that no one else was able to see what she saw 
She was hurt that so many were in agreement with her oppressor 

But maybe that’s what she was meant to learn 
That some people will hurt you and not care that they do 
That some people will never look inside and see why they do what they do 
That some people will constantly sweep things under the rug and walk over it like a mountain just the way Bart did once on the Simpsons 
Because for some it’s just easier to not see 

And as this happens, she knows that it’s her turn to go 
To be black sheep that’s happy to wander the meadow with peace of mind 
Not worrying about the ones she left behind.. 


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