Friday, November 3, 2023

The Creative

In the opening scenes of 101 & One Dalmations 

She clearly remembers a man burning music sheets 

He was burning the music sheets because he needed to stay warm 

He was an artist 

A starving artist at that 

A man dedicated to his craft so much that he forgot about all else

Simply focusing on what set his soul on fire

That man was a romantic 

Creatives are romantics 

Because as one dedicates their time and energy to their craft 

The realities of life swirl by coming out in the final product 

But the final product is seen as beautiful 

The brush strokes of pain and hurt become a masterpiece 


If you ask me are hurt many times

Life happens and the emotions are escalated so many times

It’s not just happiness but extreme bliss

It isn’t just hurt but excruciating pain 

No in-between 

And many times 

The moments of hurt last much longer than the happy ones

Because in search for happiness there are bouts of rejection that seem to tear at the soul 

But in dedication to the craft of art 

A creative keeps going 

Wiping tears on a canvas that is yet to be completed 

Standing back to see the work that holds a whole story 

But to the viewer, the story isn’t always seen or felt 

Because the focus is on the beauty of the outcome 

The hurt lingers for a little bit 

But it goes away 

It gets taken away but the oohs and ahs of the onlookers changing the landscape 

The flow of energy 

Because it’s strong 

The vibes are strong 

When first seeing the work some may feel it 

The very thing that caused the heart of the artist to pump so quickly in heaving sobs

But after some time 

It is simply a topic of conversation 

Like Van Gogh 

Upon looking at his work we know his story of torment 

But it is no longer felt 

Just another explanation for his actions such as when he physically hurt himself and did a self portrait 

All for love 

The romantic creative

Full of hurt from life and a joie to vivre at the same time 

The artist 

The expresser of both love & pain 



Sunday, October 29, 2023

Dream a little...

She had been there for more than a year 

And there had been a change 

A change that became stagnant over time like water in a closed bottle 

Out in the sun 

It didn’t didn’t drain, it just stayed there 

Getting hot and maybe cold and then hot again 

Becoming unhealthy 

You see

Things got hard 

She didn’t think they would ever get so hard 

But they did

She felt herself get lost and almost ice over 

As if her soul was fading away the way the night does right before dawn 

She never thought it was possible 

To lose herself the way she almost did so many times before 

But this time the labyrinth was just too deep 

And she forgot to even look for the door 

She forgot that there was a door 

Or at least a way out 

That’s what it felt like working there

As if everything was just lost 

And knowing this 

Her hope faded and she stopped dreaming 

She stopped feeling 

She felt herself go numb, becoming an empty shell 

Like a person that just lets themselves get taken over by the water 

No longer reaching out for air 

She started to fall 

Not at all like the person that first pulled open the door ready for her first day of work 

The brightness she once had was gone 

The place was dimming her light and she knew it 

She wasn’t physically the same 

Each day was monotonous because she lost her hope for a better day 

For a better tomorrow 

She knew things weren’t going to change 

The false hope she was given became a bitter reality of the truth 

That nothing was going to change

She couldn’t keep going 

She was tired of just being 

So she decided to create her own space and turn away 

It could have been hard or it could have been easy 

She had no idea and no longer cared

She just wanted to leave 

She didn’t have a plan 

She didn’t know where to go next 

What to do 

Or where to even start 

But she didn’t care 

She knew she just couldn’t stay there 

So she walked away 

And the hope started to come back 

Because she had something to look forward to 

Like not having to go back to the toxic job that felt like cyanide slowly taking her strength 

The color was coming back to her 

Filling her soul with the rainbow that appears after the rainstorm 

And she could feel her soul smile when the corners of her lips turned up exposing her pearly whites

It had to happen 

A decision to choose herself 

And it wasn’t always understood 

Some might say that she wasn’t in the right mind set letting a job make her feel the way it did 

But some people probably never felt as if their soul was fading everyday as they dragged their body to work 

Perhaps because they don’t know about self care 

Perhaps because they expect others to do the same and just be there 

It wasn’t healthy 

At least not for her 

She knew it 

But she wasn’t sure if anyone else did

So she became her own cheerleader 

Working over time to remind herself that it was ok to let go 

How else could she accept the possibility of all that was to come 

Good things too


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Life, motions & emotions

The other day 

A friend mentioned how without any emotions regardless if they’re happy or sad 

With out the love or the fights 

Life is just bland 

And it is 

It can be simple and monotone 

Because emotions add color 

Sometimes too much color that brings forth a sensory overload 

But that’s what life is, the ups & downs 

If there aren’t any lows you might not appreciate the highs 

But boy is it hard 

It can be exhausting sometimes 

Yet when there is nothing 

We truly do wish for something… 


El otro dia 

Un amigo hizo un comentario sobre la vida 

Que sin el enredo de los momentos tristes, felices, peleas & amor 

No hay vida 

Mas que la sencillez de la monotonía 

Porque las emociones le dan color a la vida 

Puede que aveces sea demasiada la estimulación de tantas emociones 

Pero así es la vida, un sube y baja 

En el que sin los momentos malos no se pueden agradecer los momentos buenos 

Uy pero como es difícil aveces 

Llega a ser algo que te deja exhaust@

Pero cuando no hay nada 

En realidad desearías que hubiera algo…


Thursday, October 12, 2023


 There were times where she would look at him 

In a search for meaning 

Scanning his face hoping to find an indication 

That it was ok to have feelings for him 

She would try to look deep as if searching for a specific word in a crossword puzzle 

But she couldn’t see anything 

Just him 

His thinking eyes 

His silent mouth 

Just him 

But it wasn’t something to search for 

It was different 

When they held hands 

She wouldn’t want to let go 

When he drew her close, her body simply fell into his 

When she held him, she just wanted to keep him safe 

They gravitated towards one another

When they hugged she let go of everything else 

Holding on to that moment 

Closing her eyes to the world and opening up to what they had 

Because it wasn’t anything that she could see

Because it was all that she could feel 

There was a sense of safety in their embraces 

That made her want to stay for always 

Eyes closed, arms snaked around each other 

Just two souls coming together on earth 

And that’s how she knew 

That all which she couldn’t see 

Was simply everything that she could feel 

And so she stayed…


Habían momentos en los que ella lo miraba 

Buscando respuestas en su mirada 

A ver si encontraba alguna señal o indicación de que si podía sentir algo por él 

Lo miraba tan fuerte como si estuviera buscando una palabra en un crucigrama

Pero no podía ver nada

Tan solo lo veía a él 

Sus ojos pensativos 

Su boca callada 

Tan solo lo veía a él 

Pero no era nada para buscar 

Era diferente 

Cuando se tomaban de las manos 

Ella no lo quería soltar 

Cuando él se acercaba, su cuerpo se inclinaba al de él 

Cuando ella lo tomaba en sus brazos tan solo quería que él estuviera bien

Cuidarlo de todo 

Al abrazarlo ella se olvidaba de todo lo demás 

Enfocando se en ese preciso momento 

Cerrando los ojos en el mundo para abrirle el paso a lo de ellos 

Pero es que no era algo para ver 

Pero todo lo que ella podía sentir 

Sus abrazos le brindaban confianza 

Tanto así que ella se quería quedar para siempre 

Con los ojos cerrado y perdidos en un abrazo 

Sencillamente dos almas juntándose en la tierra 

Y ahí fue donde ella entendió 

Que todo eso que buscaba 

Simplemente era todo eso que se podía sentir 

Entonces ahi se quedó… 


Friday, September 22, 2023

Y se acabó...

Llegó el día en el que se cansó de las pendejadas 

De querer alguien al que le importara 3 carajos 

Alguien que claramente le pesaba preguntar ‘¿cómo estás?’

Tan horrible le parecía preguntarle a la persona que supuestamente quería ‘¿cómo te sientes?’

Una persona con quien siempre ha podido contar

Por lo menos él con ella

Pero él nunca la tuvo en cuenta 

No mas para utilizar y aprovecharse de su bondad 

Porque sabía que no le podía decir que no 

Y por mas miel que él le echara esos ‘te quiero’ no tenían sabor por que eran falsos 

El querer no hace daño a terceros y si aun se piensa que es querer hiriendo a otro, entonces es penoso que no sepa lo que en realidad es querer 

Pero tenía que pasar 

¿De qué le sirvió?

De inspiración para esas cartas que no llegarían a sus manos 

Escritas a un fantasma que llegó a su vida para luego irse por su cuenta 

Y así toca la vida 

Vivencias que nos enseñan algo que tal vez se entienda luego 

Mientras pasa sencillamente se sienten emociones fuertes 

Pero después decimos ‘eso, me hizo mas fuerte’

Entonces aquí vamos a ser versátiles y fuertes para poder enfrentar todo sin quebrarnos 


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Love

So yes, love really does evolve 

It doesn’t stay stagnant but moves along and transforms itself into different versions 

Yet it always remains 

What once felt to be the love of forever romance became the love of “I want him to be happy’ the love of “I just want what’s best for him” the love of “I’m so happy he’s happy 

Maybe that’s how you know it’s real 

Because it keeps on moving in a good way that brings light to the soul

It adds to the beauty of our heart to know that regardless of where we are we desire the brightest light for another 

That’s what I will forever wish upon that first love 


Entonces el amor si es un agente de cambio 

Se transforma en versiones diferentes por mas que permanezca 

Lo que un día fue un romance eterno se convirtió en ese amor en que ‘tan solo quiero que él sea felíz” 

El amor en que “de corazón, le deseo lo mejor”

Ese amor en que ‘me siento feliz porque él es feliz”

Puede que esa sea la indicación de que es genuino 

Porque se mantiene libre y en movimiento de una manera que ilumina el alma 

Le agrega a la belleza del corazón el saber que sin importar donde estemos, le deseamos los rayos de luz mas radiantes 

Eso es precisamente lo que le deseo a ese primer amor 


Monday, August 7, 2023

the Magic

Do you know why NY has never left you?

Because it was magical 

An experience like no other

None of it was planned 

Yet it happened as if the two were actors in a movie 

Following a script that was just too perfect 

From the holding each other close in the rain and running to take the train 

It was all so magical 

The scenes that followed after even more so 

Videos & face times 

The sweetest ever 

Messages and emojis

Between two young kids growing and learning their way in the world 

It will always be special 

It will always be magical and held in a high regard 

Because it will forever be beautiful 

Perhaps other people may miss out on the story 

It may be too good to believe anyway 

But for those two young lovers that lived it 

It will always remain true 

A testament that magic is real 

And that sometimes you just have to let it happen 

So here’s to NY 

The city of love more so than Paris 

Because it happens when you least expect it 

Making you the most thankful for the experiences that follow 

To NY 

Now with some drinks & a smoke 


Sunday, April 16, 2023




Y me pregunto 

Si creamos nuestra propia realidad 

Será que nuestro pasado también?

O la historia de lo que vivimos antes?

Por ejemplo, ¿qué tal si en otra vida nos conocimos? 

Qué tal si en nuestra vida pasada 

Nos hicimos una promesa 

Yo mirándote a los ojos te dije ‘Mi amor, seré siempre tuya, en esta vida y en la próxima. Siempre, te esperaré y nos volveremos a encontrar. En cada vida, volveremos para escribir la historia más linda de nuestro amor.’

Y tu sonriente me aciertas, me dices que si con un beso suave en los labios

Pero queriendo creer que si es verdad 

Que te esperaré y siempre nos volveremos a encontrar 

Luego llegamos al presente 

Aquí estamos 

Tu y yo frente a frente 

Sin saber que hacer 

Sin saber que decir 

Nos miramos sin decir nada 

Nos acercamos buscando algo conocido 

Pero de eso que vivimos 

No tenemos memoria 

Por lo menos por ahora 

Pero cuando nos acercamos 

Nuestros cuerpos se quieren 

Se quieren juntar

Se quieren sentir 

Se quieren tocar 

Y cuando pasa 

Todo calma 

Es algo extraño porque hace tiempo que se andaban buscando 

Y al volverse a encontrar, hay una tranquilidad única en nuestro ser

Porque nuestras células tienen consciencia de lo que nos dijimos hace mucho tiempo 

Se estaban esperando 

Tu y yo pensando que todo era de ahora

Pero resulta que hace tiempo quedamos en esto 

Que mis amores del presente no llegaron a nada porque aunque no me acordara 

Mi alma sabía que te iba encontrar 

Que aunque no te parezca, hay ciertas cosas destinadas a ser 

Como la felicidad en el amor 

Como el amor sano entre pareja 

Algo así como lo de tu y yo…



Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 I’ve turned 28 a couple of times and have done a lot of thinking and self discoveries along the way 

Like how for example once upon a time I thought that I wanted to be married with a career and children by the ripe age of 24

24! Can you believe it? Me, wanting all those things when I barely had a grasp on life and it’s meaning and all it entails 

It didn’t happen the way I thought I wanted and for that I am grateful 

See, at this point marriage is no longer something that I want 

I said it aloud to a man and I think he was surprised 

I haven’t said it to my best friend and I’m a little scared to

See I don’t want to have that conversation with her on how certain things should be experienced… 

Granted I don’t have the same experiences as her but that’s ok 

I’m more than ok with the things that I have experienced and learned and the conclusions that I have come to 

Now, my goal in life is to be happy and full of self love 

It’s what I really want and desire for myself 

Because once I have these two very important things, nothing else will matter

Because I am treating myself like the queen that I am with appreciation for my being and of course Love with a capital L

But a lot of people may misunderstand me and say that I don’t know what I’m talking about or that love comes with a family and children of my own 

Perhaps for them, but not for me 

At least, not anymore

What good is a relationship with another human being when there are parts of me that need major healing? How would I be able to show up for someone else and perform for the role when I am unsure of where I stand?

I’m sure that I could, but not in my very best way 

My very best way to begin anything is understanding the reason as to which I hurt the way I hurt and learning why I bleed the way I bleed to ensure that I keep my pain on that train to healing to evolve and turn it into something else 

It’s imperative for me to achieve a level of self growth that will allow me to look forward to each day knowing that there is no rush because everything is going at the pace it’s supposed to the way that it’s supposed to 

And so when asked if I want to get married I have two choices, lie and get that ‘oh don’t worry you will find someone’ accompanied with a little bit of pity or reply with the truth and say ‘oh, I don’t want to get married’ 

I prefer to work on myself and avoid expressing my unhealed parts on another of human that came to this earth to receive unconditional love that brings joy 

But that may bring forth some strange looks and avoidance of conversation 

So I’ll just keep a look of question on my face and say ‘well, you know–it would be nice…’

As I think to myself ‘why would I want to get married?’

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Question & Answer

La semana pasada me pregunta mi compañero de trabajo ‘porqué es que las mujeres preguntan ‘que somos?’ cuando las cosas van bien así como están?’

Le contesté con la verdad que yo conozco 

Esa pregunta la hacen cuando el hombre les gusta y quieren mas 

Lo que pasa es que es mas fácil para algunas personas decir ‘me gustas’ de esta manera 

En lugar de hablar con la verdad de frente y tomar el riesgo de que no te digan lo que quieres escuchar saben que para algunos hombres las palabras directas se les pierden y se les hace mas fácil dar una y mil vueltas 

Puede que sea algo difícil aceptar pero la verdad es que cuando un hombre quiere que seas parte de su vida lo sabras sin duda alguna  

Y si no, preguntarle a uno a ver que dice… 

Sometime last week a co-worker asked me in all seriousness ‘why is it that women ask “what are we”’ 

And I had to answer with what I know to be true 

The reason that this question is asked is because the woman has feelings for the man 

However instead of letting him know this directly it’s a game that gets played 

A tango that gets danced 

Because the goal is to have the man think about this relationship with the woman in question 

She wants him to verbalize his feelings for her 

Once it’s all said aloud things change 

There is no going back for the words reached the air and have touched the walls reverberating the sounds of what may or may not be true 

A woman may ask what are we because if the man won’t say what he feels well then perhaps she will say XYZ 

She will follow up with a conversation that probably had to be had at least for her sake 

It may be a hard pill to swallow but when a man wants you to be a part of his life, it’s very likely that you don’t have to ask any questions 

Because he will make sure that you don’t have a doubt in your mind about what he feels for you 
